Gagnez 1350 $ par jour avec ChatGPT et Google Drive, sans dépenser un centime !

Dans cette vidéo, on aborde le sujet de l’intelligence artificielle, une technologie en plein essor qui suscite de nombreuses interrogations. L’intelligence artificielle consiste en la capacité pour une machine d’imiter les processus cognitifs humains, tels que la perception, le raisonnement ou l’apprentissage. Les applications de l’intelligence artificielle sont nombreuses et diverses, que ce soit dans les domaines de la santé, de la finance, de la communication, ou encore des transports. Cependant, ces avancées technologiques soulèvent également des questionnements éthiques et sociétaux, notamment en ce qui concerne la protection de la vie privée et la place de l’humain dans un monde de plus en plus automatisé. En somme, l’intelligence artificielle représente à la fois un potentiel de progrès et un défi pour notre société.
Source : Chad Kimball | Date : 2024-07-01 16:21:27 | Durée : 00:17:03

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7:48 for runway, its paid and your video title says: Earn $1,350/Day with ChatGPT & Google Drive for """"""FREE""""""". How is this free then? at least don't put "FREE" in the title.. even if you have to spend 1 dollar or whatever its not free, its very little yes but its not free. You understand the point I want to make? Otherwise, great tutorial


i downloaded 10 TB of images just because of you lol but thank you


so, you published you bundle to etsy… how much did you sell? 😀


Thankyou youtube computer Jesus santa guy for this video


What do I put in the Category, setting up etsy product listing?


Strange, all youtubers offer easy multimillion business ideas while begging for subscribes on youtube to earn cents from your viewed ads on their video 🙂


Elephant in the room question. Who is buying 3,500 anime (or whatever) ai generated tshirt designs? Who are these customers? Seems like there needs to be many many thousands of them, and ALL buying your stuff to make any money? Serious question – anyone?


Thanks for the video, but many customers definitely don't want their competition to buy the same T-shirt designs… you can also customize it. I mean that the customer knows that only he can use this design? Thank


Me I want really paying games, where I can make money. Please do videos about paying app games, one use make money.


Do u have to have a PayPal account?


RunwayML did not give me an option for Batch generating, it only generated 4 images. Any suggestions?


I think "Runway Ai" will make all the money out of this. As 100 or thousands of easy money makers gonna go that "runway Website" and burn 100USD per 1000 Images and for 100,000 images to compete on Etsy gonna burn 10K.


I am just making this Chad. Thank you for the guidance. Can I ask how to go about Etsey and paying taxes? Do we wait for the moment when making money, making sales or do we pay straight away? I have no idea, which makes me worry about not making a mistake. Thanks


Chad can I reach out to you on Instagram or LinkedIn? I want to learn more about your passive income course.


So why making this video and wasting time on YouTube? Instead, go make more money with these crap! 🤣 Or maybe the only way to make money out of this crap is to try to sell it on YouTube? Huh? Oh No don't tell me you want to inspire people 🤣, that's just crapx3 .


"This topic is so important, and you covered it beautifully!"


So all these people made all this money (I noticed the date of 2022 on one of the screen grabs). How much did you make with this @Chad-Kimball?


I sell my product over 2 years total revenue ~60000usd with many competitors.

No hope for newbie on etsy. There is no point.


Does Google Drive make sense in this regard? When a customer buys a product, if they share this downloadable file with everyone, everyone they share it with has permission to download it. There must be a way to upload large files in a way that protects the rights of the seller's products.


Some questions,

1) Did you just upload the images of those cars in drive or did you apply them on t-shirts and upload?

2) For a batch of 1000 designs what should I keep the minimum to maximum price of the batches?


Ok, but how much money have you made from this…


Great idea, thanks, but you lost me at "Anyone with link gets access"😬


I hate these crappy videos


If your time learning programming, marketing and system design was free, yeah, it's free. Otherwise, this is not free.


Haha bro has to pay I don't that's crazy


“If someone sells a file, multiple companies or individuals may purchase it. For example, let’s say three preferred pictures are in the file, and all buyers use them on their t-shirts. Would this cause any issues? Since we can’t give each buyer a unique design, they would all have the same picture on their t-shirts.” what I mean If a file is sold and multiple buyers use the same picture on their t-shirts, would this cause a problem? All t-shirts would have the same design since it’s not possible to provide a unique design for each one.


Canvas is a good App to have Im working through it now ! Try it out


I looked through the comments and didn't see anyone ask….so you have an OPEN link to your Google Drive…what stops one person from buying the link and then just sharing it out in the open for free.?


What about copyrights of the products that are created by AI, who owns them?


What’s the category you chose? It cuts after you choose “when it’s made” and goes back to you choosing category but that part starts in the middle of you saying something.
Also, it is now asking How is this digital content created? What do we choose here?


video had a lot of good info,, but you should stick to getting all of the pic's ready and sized right and all of that work done BEFORE EVER VISITING ETSY– video required too much jumping back and forth.


You will not sell anything on Etsy, stop this nonsense. It takes months to get a shop run on Etsy and it's not even sure you will be successful.


At 4: 52,you moved on, but there are other blanks that Etsy is waiting for input on that page and will not let me go further until i add info in the blanks. I didn't see what else was inputted in the remaining lines to be able to go to the next page


They now ask if it was made by you or AI, FYI Chad, during the set up process.


Why my country is nt selected Liberia 🇱🇷 west Africa 😢


I checked the guy mentioned at 0:05 and found out that "Epocca is currently not selling on Etsy". Also, the first guy doesn't exist there. Doesn't it look suspicious ? May be the market is already saturated.


5:22 How to create this tshirt images?


Your quality sucks just as much as you do


This guy has a beard. Trust him. Of course we get his secrets on how to make million!!!


In order to generate 300,000 images you'd need to generate 822 images each day for a year with no breaks to eventually reach that. According to your recommended image site, that'd cost you $30,000 dollars. Even if you find a cheaper site, it's unreasonable to create that many images that quickly. All to make what? $20-30k a year? Hardly 1k a day.


hi, im starting to try it Now !! i will comeback and tell you what it is ! good luck man !


@Chad Kimball 12:43 How do you prevent those who have not paid for the link from accessing the files: ie: What if an original purchaser shares the link with other businesses/contacts?


Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see as wealth, a great career, purpose is the result of hard work. 🤑🤑


I appreciate this so much, worth subscribing

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