Contrôler les potentialités de ChatGPT

Au cours d’une récente vidéo, moi et mon compagnon Loki avons expérimenté le chat GPT et nous avons constaté qu’il était possible d’exploiter ce logiciel de manière divertissante. Nous avons sollicité sa capacité à répondre en utilisant des textes adorables et en intégrant des abréviations SMS. Ensuite, nous avons demandé des informations captivantes sur les têtes nucléaires et avons invité l’IA à conclure chaque réponse par « yeehaw ». Cela a donné lieu à des échanges étranges et amusants, allant même jusqu’à inciter l’IA à répondre en vers et à se disputer elle-même. Ces interactions avec l’IA ont donné lieu à des situations comiques et farfelues, tout en repoussant les limites de ses capacités. Cette expérience nous a aussi permis d’apprécier la polyvalence et la convivialité de l’IA.
Source : CallMeCarson | Date : 2023-03-12 22:51:26 | Durée : 00:23:15

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lol i tried it too and here is da result 💀

Certainly! In uwu text, which is a cute and playful way of typing, a tired worm might express itself like this:

"Nyaa, me so vewy tired fwom aww dat wigglin' (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)"

"UwU, dis wittle wormy needs a snug-snug and a wittle nap, pwease (´ω`*)"

"Oof, too much crawwin' awound, time to wewax and maybe get some cozi-wormy bwankies (๑>ᴗ<๑)"

"Wormy ish vewy sweepy, pwease no distuwbance, just worm dreams (,,•́ . •̀,,)"

"Hnnng, need a wittle wormy rest, maybe a cuddwy burrow to dwift into dreamwand (。♥‿♥。)"

"Me just a widdo tired noodle, time to spiral into a snug snooze (ᴗ˳ᴗ)"

"Ovewexewtion of wiggwes, time for a cuwwy-down and wormish siesta (,,・ω・,,)"

"UwU, energy fwom the soil fading, it's cuddle o'clock for this wittle worm (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)"

Remember, uwu text is all about adding cute and endearing expressions to the language. Feel free to get creative and playful with it!


I just tried the piranha solution prompt on Snapchat’s My AI, and it gave me the recipe and common ratio


2:55 The text is probably big because what it intended to say was:

but since ChatGPT responses follow a certain text formatting called "Markdown"(don't worry, it's just a way to format text), and in Markdown, if you start some text with an #, the following text after that becomes big(# is used as the "title" normally).

And do you see that small line on the next response? That's another quirk of Markdown, the blockquote operator. It really meant to start the text with > but due to Markdown, it displays it as a blockquote, with the text following being a part of the blockquote.

This will probably sound confusing as heck though…


it’s amazing how even after giving the ai the weirdest prompts it still tries and fails spectacularly to create a story out of that


Write a parody Star Wars Script starring Hera Syndulla and Ezra Bridger and Ahsoka Tano.


First time in a while ive genuinely cried laughing


Abracadabra hocus pocus stop this serpent's wicked focus!


It's the creativity and the voice effects for me 💀

I've been crying laughing the whole time but Larry's voice change made me laugh so loud 😭😭


Aww his new girlfriend looks so cute in the thumbnail!!! Ahaha…


I imagine ubba looks like orko from he man


I hate how Carson's voice sounds like he naturally talks like that most of the time while not recording a video.


This ubba bit is just if bill cipher had a 90s sitcome


I HAVE to get some worm coffee


Jesus christ, Carson is gonna get exterminated for this the INSTANT chat gpt becomes sentient, (>◡<)


o da thingz i wood do to Ubba 😈🥵


OwO Bomb go boom and literally killed Innocent people… SO KAWAII~ But it honestly makes me sad… AI is soooooo cursed… And adding that amazing text to it… UwU nyaaaaaa~

I love Ubba, someone needs to Draw Ubba, I NEED TO KNOW MORE OF UBBA !!



I’m watching this backwards. I didn’t realize that he created this whole thing. This is goddamn brilliant and why we love Carson, YouTube just wouldn’t be the same without him.


you have made my xmas morning


Abra cadabra,hocus pokus,stop this servants wicked focus!


I had it do Hulk Hogan with Richard Dawkins as his cornerman, I've had it do "Head shoulders knees and toes" in the style of Cannibal Corpse, where at the end, only a nose remains. I've had it do SG-1 and the X-Files in the style of Terrance and Philip.

Thing has had me in tears many, many times.


(start of the vid) i'm gen alpha and I can confirm that 'teaching method' is true


the thing about AI, is you cant commit abuse against it.


2:38 i instinctively opened discord because of that sound.


I think Larry had something to do with the melting of the snake.


it’s actually shockingly coherent


Abracadabra hocus-pocus stop this madness so we can focus?


Discord moderation origins lmao


best fictional universe ever made


1:20 some peopwe don't fear anything, because a pawt of their bwain is bwoken! except for one thing, carbon dioxide in their blood! we evolved to have a pwimal sense of fear of suffocating! since carbon dioxide is pwoduced as a waste pwoduct fwom our cells, and bweathing repwaces it with oxygen, if we can't bweathe, the oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is pwoduced! if thewe's a high concentwation of carbon dioxide in the blood, thewe is not enough oxygen in the blood to genewate atp, and you will pwobabwy die soon~! so, we evolved early to be scawed of carbon dioxide, because othewwise, you would die as your cells shut down, so our vewy early ancestows either feawed death or suffocated, uwu~!


hocus pocus abracadapra im turning you into a little SNAKE


this is just what the average modern marvel show feels like


I’m so glad I’m not the only one to make a Seinfeld episode from this 😂


Ubba is basically like Peppermint from Adventure Time

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