ChatGPT + Navigation Web vient de tout changer !

Important mise à jour pour la GPT-4 de ChatGPT, qui permet désormais l’accès à internet. Les utilisateurs pourront bénéficier de cette fonctionnalité qui ouvre la voie à de nouvelles possibilités telles que la recherche de marché, la création de contenus d’actualité, et bien plus encore. Cette mise à jour est accessible pour les abonnés ChatGPT Plus. Il est désormais possible de personnaliser les prompts et d’ajouter des URL pour obtenir des réponses plus détaillées. Il est également possible d’analyser des chaînes YouTube pour obtenir des suggestions de contenu en fonction des actualités liées à l’intelligence artificielle. Cette évolution majeure ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle dans la création de contenu et la recherche d’informations.
Source : The AI Advantage | Date : 2023-05-14 23:56:56 | Durée : 00:07:31

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Currently if you have "Chat History & Training" turned off it doesn't show browsing right now. But if you turn it on, browsing is available. You're welcome!


That simply doesn't work for me. When I write everything that is said in this video, I get the response that such information is usually not publicly available due to privacy policies. However, you can try to find contact information by reviewing the channel descriptions on YouTube, where channel owners sometimes leave contact information for business inquiries


That's not the correct statement the fact Chat GPT 4 cutoff date is January 2022 instead up to date.


Man the new web browsing got4 compared to this video is trashhhh


Only works if you are the one with the youtube channel – The tools at my disposal encountered an error while trying to fetch a page that might have contained the list of data scientists on YouTube with a following of 50k or more. Additionally, the information may not be readily available in a single list, and compiling such a list might require extensive research across different sources. Nonetheless, I'm here to help with other inquiries or different aspects of your original request.


Great video! But I dont see the option for Web Browsing.


lmao "prompt engineering course"


Great video. ChatGPT 4 is a big revolution in the AI world. Thanks for introducing this tools to the audience.


Epic tips here, thanks a lot for showing what's possible! 🔥


I don't seem to have all these features on Beta in the uk.


Since they disabled this feature, are there workarounds with plugins that you can recommend? I do medical research and need the most up-to-date information. Thanks!


They giveth, then they taketh away


This information is wrong now, as that option is gone.


I cannot access the web browsing for some reason….I have chatgpt plus but no web browsing button.


Damn, I have only plugins in the beta features, not web browsing daaaaamn


No web browsing any more. Under beta there are only Plugins and code interpreter.


I do have the plus version, but in my settings, on beta features, there is no option for web browsing. What am I doing wrong?


I signed up for Chat GPT plus but the web browsing option isn't showing up for me?!? Do I need a specific web browser?


Hey, I did the same thing you did but it does not work. i wrote to ChatGpt4 Analyse this youtube channel for video topics, industry niche and engagement. Then provide content suggestions based on AI news released on the 1.July.2023: The answer is that I'm sorry, but as of my current capabilities, I'm unable to directly analyze YouTube videos or channels. I can't provide information about video topics, industry niche, and engagement based on a YouTube URL.


I dont' know why but my ChatGPT only looks one website, even if the prompt specify to look at various sources…am I the only one?


Did anyone else have an issue with analyzing a YouTube channel?


Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are alot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look.


I find this feature extremely buggy. This is what Chat GPT gave me after asking it to review a youtube channel: I'm sorry, but it seems like there's a problem in accessing the YouTube channel's content due to limitations with the browsing tool. I'm unable to analyze the channel for video topics, industry niche, and engagement, or provide content suggestions based on AI news released in May 2023 as you requested.


Analyze ing a youtube channel isnt working for me. chatgpt says it doesn't have that access


Great Video 🙂 but how come have you not made a video on Ultimate toolbar gpt yet? I had to find out on tiktok


I only see internet with bing, why? i dont like bing


So instead of copy pasting content from your ad page to chatgpt, you just give chat GPT a link!? Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooow it is a gemechanger. What a waste of time


a whole new world of click failed, at least as a chatgpt plus user, that's what i get all the time


lol i liked the hair switch magic haha


Looks like thay added 'Bing' to the ChatGPT 4 web browsing. Must be pretty new. I don't see anyone talking about it yet. Now it says "Brows with Bing 'Beta' "

Am I the first to see this new Bing addition? lol


The thing I don't get… and I think this is why you are "selling shovels" in this AI revolution, and I don't fault you for this BELIEVE me. 😉

So AI is sort of able to make videos of/with false human personalities here now. Once it gets there, how are all the promoters of content like this on here going to survive? Wouldn't people just use the AI, or the AI with the guidance of OpenAI just going to produce this themselves?

Like it would basically research what whatever popular blog or niche is doing (like your prompts here), then make a video presenting it also. Basically if AI enables millions of people to do this instead of hundreds then there will just be a lot more noise and content on this all, and the price that content creators earn would go to some much lower floor right?


Jesus, can you just slow down and not cut out every milisecond pause?


Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty browsing Amazon product pages. Does anyone else here experience this issue, or is it just temporary?

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