Trois mises à jour ChatGPT qui vont véritablement changer votre expérience !

YouTube video

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Source : Skill Leap AI | Date : 2025-01-21 21:24:28 | Durée : 00:10:07

ChatGPT updates

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Chatgpt helps a lot in making quick reports🫰


ChatGPT going stubborn, it refuses to re-write my code even though my instructions were clear.


Arent projects the same as making your own gpt or am i wrong?


Thank you so much, Saj! Great video


Pourquoi vous allez utiliser ChatGPT. ChatGPT, on va payer de 240 à 2400 euros par an alors que DEEPSEEK est gratuit


I have a tip for making money with ChatGPT o1 Pro: Delete your account. You'll se that you'll have an extra $200 in your bank account every month. 🙂


Good to know that chatgpt is improving, there are many AI's emerging that are just as good as it.


Whats wrong with chat gpt?? It doesn't work today is it just me or everyone???


Chat gpt is not working right now


Its crazy how fast chatgpt changes, but it has been amazing in helping me create content. Have you tested the task creation of faceless content?


Hey. Thank you for the video, I love watching your videos. I was just wondering if you're a Plus or a Pro acct? I have a plus acct and I don't have access to those options to customize ChatGPT like you do. I have the old UI is that a Pro option only?


If you use chargpt to get daily AI news for you and help you write the newsletter…why would anyone read your newsletter rather than make their own customised to them?


It looks like Tasks is not available in UK yet?


Great! You can use NotebookLM in place of ChatGPT projects but there's a huge difference. NotebookLM is terrible with Data analytics and it doesn't draw charts. It almost always gets table calculations wrong. On the other hand, ChatGPT projects is almost perfect with data analytics. In fact, it has not given me any wrong result since it came out. Great job but I just wanted to point out this key difference.


🏆 Cheers for sharing!

I wish OAI would work on the platforms usability issues. Areas like:
– Offer a method to turn OFF the Enter-to-send in the chat context field. 🤬
– Add an ability to search chat history without having to archive chats. 🙄
– And on, and on…

And heaps more…


Projects seems to go off the rails when you add a lot of chats. It tends to forget what you discussed. I am guessing it doesn't have a large context window.


The ChatGPT custom instructions do not seem to have rolled out to everyone yet. I keep looking, but I still have the old version.


4:15 What happens if you have custom instructions set up AND have project-level instructions. Does one cancel the other one out, or does one take precedence over the other, or does it try to mash them together, or does it ignore one completely?


It would be great if you can create a video using N8n + ChatGpt for a sentiment analysis and define a new task with this project!


I didn’t see those options when I clicked on my profile icon. I found out, through querying ChatGPT, that it may be a problem with the browser, which turned out to be true. I was using Safari and when I switched to Google, the options were there. Thanks for sharing!


Customising ChatGPT doesn't appear to be available in the UK yet 🙁


Do tasks work on android app. Are the notifications push or email?


ChatGPT changes so fast! Thanks for the update.

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