Révolution ChatGPT : Découvrez le nouveau modèle GPT-4o qui va tout changer !

YouTube video

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Source : AI Foundations | Date : 2024-05-14 00:30:49 | Durée : 00:15:02

ChatGPT model

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ChatGPT-4o doesn't make emotion tones, it doesn't know how to sing, the demo videos are making false claims… A month and over had past since I watched the first demo, but NOTHING had changed! I haveed seen a real life camera use, if someone knows how to use every feature it claims to have, please drop me an answer. I haven't heard jokes at this level, or again, tones… The one I'm using actually tells me it written, not shown. So again, I ask you to drop me a line, if you know better…


What GPT are you using, because I’m using GPT 4o now and I can’t use video.


Another useless video, nothing new here and most of it is not available at all, you lost all credibility to me


It's free because it depends on our data to build itself. 'We' should be getting paid for interacting with 'it.' Ask it a question and it'll tell you something it "learned" from someone else. I always thought "the game is to be sold and not (freely) told."


Amazing for "tutoring," really? Amazing for brain entropy maybe lol.


If I point it at my ceiling and show the hole I have can it make a step by step video on how to fix the drywall?


After about two weeks with chat GPT4o, and watching your videos, I decided to purchase a yearly subscription. While researching which subscription to purchase, I first went to the App Store on my iPad where I initially downloaded chat GPT 4o But was confused by my options as it gave no description.
Yearly premium $49.99 per year
Yearly premium – smart AI chat $59.99 per year
Yearly – smart, AI chatbot $59.99 per year
Yearly – smart, AI chat bot $59.99 per year
When I went to the website, my options were different…..individual team, and industrial or something like that… I couldn’t find the above descriptions of what I was purchasing. So then I asked my chat GBT4o. GPT gave me the definition of each of those terms, but didn’t. Have information on what their subscription offered.
Today I went into my App Store and checked my paid subscriptions, and it says that I purchased
AI Chat – Ask Chatbot Assistant. $60.00 ($59.99)yearly. So I have no idea what I’ve purchased and I’m looking for a video with all of this information because their website is pretty unhelpful unless I’m just not taking enough time to look deeper into it. Am I even on the right website? Lol all the AI programs have similar logos I think that’s something important to point out. Perhaps they should do something to make their stand out a little bit more??
You’ve been super helpful and I’m excited to get into and use AI but I’m definitely at AI level 101.


5:05 im sure youve noticed by now or someone else has pointed out the brutal reverb echo at the time stamp over tagged. Im guessing after the first time you paused openai's 4o teaser where you commented and gave context, when it resumed the echo started and it isnt there when you comment the second time, double play back of the openai clip perhaps? Im no audio expert, I coke be wrong. Sorry! Was making my ocd side slightly crazy lol


Why can't I see any voice output options? Maybe it is not released in Canada yet? Not even ChatGPT seems to know


Modern (entitled, delusional) women just became EXTINCT❗️❗️❗️❗️🤣🤣🤣🤣


Chatgpt 4o is not free? Wherr did u get that info?


It's not all that it seems. The voice feature is only available on mobile not on a laptop or PC. On the free tier, after about 10 inputs it will default to GPT-3.5. It's not really democratizing AI for all because the free version is very limited.


Does anyone know if you haven’t use chat GPT before? Can you still get the 4.0 for free now? Or do you have to wait?


I’m very frustrated because I paid for GPT plus only need to find out that the video capabilities are only for people who work at open AI


Please don't say "5x the capacity" it's "5 times the capacity"


So…..how do you use the voice feature? I want to use it to take up the time of the robo dialers, to talk to them to fruitlessly take up their time automatically. Fight fire with fire. But I go to 4o and there's no voice feature there.


I like your tattoo! God bless!


Why tf does it sound like Taylor lorenz


I got acess to the new chatgpt version, but its quite limited, I hope they increase the quantity of messages you can send and substantially increase the messages of the plus tier too, I use the free tier 😊


I just asked chat GTP for low protein meals for people suffering from PKU. A serious genetic condition 3.5 suggested Tufu which is ridiculously high in protein and would cause serious damage – GTP 4 suggested Hummus dip… another high protein food that would damage many PKU sufferers, beans and peas are not low protein foods. The very first question I asked it failed once more. Chat GTP regularly lies and gives information that sounds good but is completely fabricated and that you missed pointing this out is dangerous. This is just as true for 4, which I was able to find out as a non expert in 10 seconds. Stop the hype.


hello and thank you for reviewing the event
I have question about using chatgpt4o , I am free user and download and tried the app and on the web, but not all features are available, I mean I have access to voice chat but it is not in real time like the demo showed, and it doesn't have access to my cam or sending files
could you please tell me if it is because of using in free mode? am I supposed to have a premium account to use those excellent features?


If this is not doctored in anyway then this is massively impressive especially noticing the openai hoodie 🔥


We got no money to buy it dude!


Talky fluff raises my productivity 0%. Hype > Utility. Meme GPT. Servers still overloaded. Network error. Server error. Unusual activity detected. Same old.


Video is not working yet (Paid user 4.o)


How private is your data once chatgpt uses it?


when is it going to be released

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