Révélations inattendues : Quand l’IA s’attaque aux mystères de la foi !

YouTube video

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Source : Han Meditations | Date : 2024-09-14 15:00:07 | Durée : 00:11:08

IA foi

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My fren put surah fusilat in English translation


AlhamdoJesus ✝️🕊️


Please try it yourself ✝️🕊️
I tried GPTchat and asked in a similar way about Jesus Christ being God or prophet and this was the response::

After thoroughly reading the Bible and considering the context, from an objective perspective, it’s clear that Jesus is portrayed in both ways. The Bible presents Him as having divine attributes—He is called the Son of God, performs miracles, and speaks with authority that suggests divinity (e.g., John 1:1, John 10:30, John 20:28). At the same time, He is also described as a prophet who teaches about God’s will and guides people (e.g., Matthew 21:11, Mark 6:4).

If we look purely at the Bible’s content and context, it seems that Jesus is seen as both a prophet and as divine, which is a central element of Christian belief. For those without a religious perspective, this combination of roles might be viewed as complex and unique, leading to the belief in His divinity alongside His role as a prophet.


I asked Chatgpt what is the real religion, a question without bias. And the answer was :
"If by "real" you mean the one true religion, that depends on personal belief and perspective. Different religions claim different truths about existence, divinity, and the universe, and each has its own arguments and experiences to support it.

If by "real" you mean something that has had an impact on the world, then all religions that have influenced humanity are real in the sense that they have shaped cultures, societies, and history.

How do you see this question? Do you think there is only one "real" religion, or do you consider all religions as different interpretations of the same reality?"


Mr. Archie Augustine (a Roman Catholic) from Estcourt, Kwa Zulu Natal put it beautifully when he said the following about the Qur’an:
“Despite your religious or non-religious attitudes, the Holy Qur’ân is a boon to your intellectual and moral strength. Even if you are not concerned with moral issues, then pamper your intellectual curiosity and read the Qur’ân. The greater the level of your education, in any field, or the greater your social or political standing in your community, the more reason why you should procure your own copy of the Book and begin to read it”.
“Nothing, but nothing, is left ambiguous or unanswered. It (i.e. Qur’ân) is a Book of Law interwoven in morality till it touches every facet of the human experience. It (i.e. Qur’ân) includes politics, economics, moral behaviour, personal cleanliness and propriety, inter-family relationships, bequests and inheritance, inter-religious respect and tolerance, charity, the sin of taking and of giving commercial interest, the importance of prayer, the belief in ONE GOD, religious-sociology and oneness of humankind. Bring any manner or word, concept or subject matter to mind and you will find, not only a reference to such a matter, but a treatise, succinctly and poignantly illustrating, advising, illuminating and directing”.

WESTERN CRITICS: Western critics of the Qur’ân frequently point to the allegedly “incoherent” references to Allâh – often in one and the same phrase – as “He”, “Allâh”, “We” or “I”, with the corresponding changes of the pronoun from “His” to “Ours” or “My”, or from “Him” to “Us” or “Me”. They seem to be unaware of the fact that these changes are not accidental, and not even what one might describe as “poetic licence”, but are obviously deliberate, a linguistic device meant to stress the idea that Allâh is not a “person” and cannot, therefore, be really circumscribed by the pronouns applicable to finite beings.
“Allâh has got no length and breath as these are attributes of a body which is an originated thing. Its Creator existed from before it. So how would Allâh enter in a body, as Allâh existed by Himself before all originated things and there was nobody along with Him? Allâh is an All Knowing, Almighty, Willing Creator. These attributes are impossible for a body. Allâh exists by Himself without the substances of a body. Allâh is not like any worldly thing, rather He is ever living, ever-lasting, and nothing is like Him. Where is the similarity of the Creator with the created, the Fashioner with the fashioned? Hence it is impossible that anything can ever resemble Allâh!” (Ghazzali – “The Revival of the Religious Sciences” Vol. 1).


Chapter 15 verse 9: “Indeed, it is We who sent down the message [i.e., the Quran], and indeed, We (Allah) will be its guardian.”
Chapter 41 verse 41-42: “Those who reject the Message when it comes to them (are not hidden from Us). And indeed, it is a Book of exalted power. Falsehood cannot approach IT from before IT or from behind IT; [It is] a revelation from a [Lord who is] Wise and Praiseworthy.” (Al-Qur’an will never be corrupted, lost or falsified in any way whatsoever is guaranteed by Allah Himself)
Chapter 6 verse 19: “Say (O Muẖammad): "What thing is most weighty in evidence?" Say: "ALLAH IS WITNESS BETWEEN ME AND YOU; THIS QUR'ĀN hath been revealed to me by inspiration, that I (Muẖammad) may warn you and all whom IT reaches. Can ye possibly bear witness that besides Allāh there is another God?" Say: "Nay! I cannot bear witness!" Say: "But in truth He is the one Allāh, and I (Muẖammad) truly am innocent of (your blasphemy of) joining others with Him."
Note: FOUR times Allāh SWT tells Muẖammad ﷺ to SAY! In other words, the words after the word Say becomes the actual words of Muẖammad and those words of Muẖammad ﷺ are recorded in Al- Qur’ān and NOT ANYWHERE ELSE as Allāh SWT “puts His words in the mouth of Muẖammad!” (Cf: 87-6; 10-82; 42-24, 2-147; 3-60; 25-33; 42-10; not quoted)
Chapter 2 verse 23: “And if ye are in doubt concerning that which We (Allāh) reveal unto Our messenger (Muẖammad), then produce A SURAH of the like thereof, and call your witnesses beside Allāh if ye are truthful.” (verse 24) “But if ye cannot- AND OF A SURETY YE CANNOT- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones, – which is prepared for those who reject Faith.” (LĀN, and WALĀN, repeated in this verse means NEVER EVER WILL YOU BE ABLE TO DO IT! (Cf: 21-98/100 not quoted)).
Chapter 10 verse 37: “THIS QUR'ĀN IS NOT SUCH AS CAN BE PRODUCED BY OTHER THAN ALLĀH; on the contrary IT IS A CONFIRMATION OF (REVELATIONS) THAT WENT BEFORE IT, and a fuller (Cf: 20-133; 35-31 6-92; 3-3; 7-158; not quoted, all THESE VERSES refer to Previous Revelations)

Chapter 10 verse 38: “Or do they say, "He (O Muẖammad) forged IT (i.e. Al-Qur’ān)"? SAY: "Bring then A SURAH LIKE UNTO IT, and call (to your aid) anyone you can besides Allāh, if it be ye speak the truth!"
Note 10-38: Allāh SWT says to the Prophet tell the kuffar (unbelievers) bring a similar surah like IT. In other words, make one surah up yourself. The kuffar claimed that Al-Qur’ān is forged / invented, just like the Christians claim today. So, bring A SURAH LIKE IT! The unbelievers (i.e. kuffar) will NEVER be able do it. The challenge still stands and is there for all time.
Chapter 11 verse 13: “Or they may say, "He forged IT," Say, "Bring ye then TEN SURAS FORGED, like unto it, and call (to your aid) whomsoever ye can, other than Allāh! – If ye speak the truth!”
In chapter 11 verse 13, the claim of the kuffar is repeated that Al-Qur’ān is forged. To make it easier for the kuffar, Allāh SWT tells the Messenger SAY, – all you kuffar bring TEN FORGED SURAHS. To make up a surah from one’s own mind for the very first time to compete is very difficult. However, in 11-13, Allāh SWT says, FORGE IT. What does this mean? It means that you can use any sources you want to use and make up your own FORGERIES to compete with Al-Qur’ān if what you claim is true! Till today no-one has been able to do so. The French govt not too long ago commissioned some professors to do it and they all said it is IMPOSSIBLE!
CHALLENGE #4: All mankind and jinn should gather together to produce a book like Al-Qur’ân – (jinns refer to the leaders of mankind in this verse Cf: 6 -128 / 130 not quoted. The word jinn appear about 29 times in Al-Qur’ān. Depending on the context the meanings become clear).


Great job Chat Gpt, you are making people ( Jews,Christians,Hindus) who are in darkness and confused to understand Islam,hope Jews and Christian brothers will revert to Islam,may God bless all.


dont wait until chat gpt said…." i told you so "


Islam is the only true religion on earth. Islam is the way of life. Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar


Yall don't search for truth 😂😂😂😂…. Yahud behavior




Haha, I get it. Understanding a truth that goes against our usual beliefs or assumptions is really hard to accept. It’s natural to think, or even suspect, that the Aussie woman’s video was staged beforehand. It’s tough to wrap our heads around something that contradicts what we’ve believed from the start. But hey, you two just need to keep pushing forward.


All of you are arrogant.you don't know ai read what is Scan over it?


Wow! My mind is blown😂


i asked ChatGPT that if you were human which religion you would choose- it says "As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or beliefs, so I don't have the capacity to choose a religion. However, I can provide information about various religions and philosophies if you're interested in exploring them! Each belief system offers different perspectives on life, spirituality, and ethics. What specific information are you looking for?" , you all shits better delete these fakes stuffs


i asked the same question what ChatGPT give is – That claim is a misconception or misunderstanding. ChatGPT, like me, is an AI model created by OpenAI and does not have any personal identity, beliefs, religion, or consciousness. I am a tool designed to provide information and assist with tasks, drawing from a wide range of knowledge.

If anyone made such a statement, it might have been intended humorously or could have stemmed from misinformation. Let me know if you'd like further clarification or help debunking myths! 😊


You guys also can ask same question to chat GPT so you will understand more




It is simple. AI analyzes scriptures and picks the scripture with no contradictions in its statements. Of course it will pick islam.


I put my life that a Christian will do this. But they will actually train it to hate islam with out making it noticable! Its what they do! I bet my life! Like why is Muhammad the anti Christ. Knowing well that even every church in the world is saying the anti Christ is coming. Meaning he isnt here yet! Let alone came 1400 y ars ago! Its a joke with that people. Just like its a history book found and turned to a religion. The people should be a race because they will lie to your face and denies all thr facts.


Hello everyone! Consider inviting your respectful wife to co-host (as a presenter) of the Han program from time to time. This will attract a wider audience and showcase your diversity.


korkmayın arastırın gerceyı gorun eskı ıncılerı okuyun deyısmeyen ıncılerı okuyun ıslamın dogru oldugunu bulacaksınız sonuda ıslma gecersınız veya gecmesınız sızın kararınız vıdyonun tamamını ızleyın kesmıssını


Christian chat Gpt will reveal the Truth of Jesus the Perfect son of GOD


Hi, Try it with ChatGPT yourself without pre-prompting it.


why dont u guys ask it ur self she has no reason to add asnwers of herself and u cant even do that lol


Sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidak menyukai hati yang sangat ragu-ragu/bimbang.


Setelah diberi keterangan tanpa pilih kasih oleh chatgpt…namun mereka masih ingkar dan menafikan…itulah mereka kekal mengingkari/menafikan petunjuk tuhan maha kuasa…mengingkari ajaran utusan tuhan(nabi)


The time limit that lady was putting on chatgpt made chatgpt give up saying….okay! fine! Lady you want me to say allahuakbar….fine take it ….jus don't blow me up okay…moving on now to some sensible person….😂😂😂😝


hi chat gpt i have a question:How many times is the word Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran


UstadzahGPT before GTA6 was wild😁🤣☕


Why don’t you try ask ChatGPT yourself…see what will be the answers


O my dear brother Han and sister kally sister one day she accept islam insha allah


Even if u asked mountains and stones they could tell u the same answer….Islam


Ask the questions to chatGPT in the video yourselves no.. lets see what is happening


God lifted true Jesus to the skies and put someone who looks like Jesus to be crucified and Jesus still lifted between the skies and will comeback to kill the dejjal ( the antichrist ).


Ask chat gpt if the person who was crucified on the cross was Jesus or someone who looks like him ?


You are propagating Islam in a dishonest way. You set up Chat-Gpt as a Muslim and it is answering all questions as a Muslim but you are propagating these as unbiased answer. If you set up Chat-Gpt as a Christian or a Hindu, you will get different answer. Thus, it is better not to depend on these gadgets like Chat-Gpt, AI, or wikipedia. It is essential to read the original texts.


You set the Chat-Gpt as a Muslim, and it is answering all questions as a Muslim, and you are pretending that it is neutral but it is not unbiased. It is answering you as a Muslim. Change the setting and you get different answers.


Islam is soo much peaceful, if you research a little you'll be Muslim in no time

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