Quand la Bible séduit Chat GPT : Une Conversation sur la Terre Plate !

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Source : Scott Clarke | Date : 2025-03-03 14:01:20 | Durée : 00:19:42
Because of Gods word the Bible I have believed in a flat stationary earth for many years now. I believe this is Satan's biggest lie to keep Man fooled into believing there is no God, therefore Man is the master of his own destiny. Thanks for this video Scott, I think this is one of the best if not thee best done on flat earth.
Scott if you’re reading this it’s Kurt Fletcher if you remember me. My comments of praise to you here seem to be auto deleting my comments after leaving one. I’d like to share my excellent thoughts with you on this but not sure how as YouTube keeps deleting my comments. Hopefully you’re able to read this.
Dam it every time I comment here now 3 times my comment gets auto deleted. WTF.
I’m sorry
Good job brother. The Lord opened my eyes to this about 3 years ago and now I can see almost everything is built on a lie as you touched on. God bless and keep up the good work
I can't believe you fell for this outlandish theory, the earth is not flat at all, go to Australia and you will see that you will not see the North Star Polaris but rather the Southern Cross. If you want to see proof of that check out the video Professor Dave posted on his channel in which some flat earthers took a trip to Antarctica to see with their own eyes that the sun is there 24 hours a day and has not set, the title of the video is 'Flat Earthers are Having a Meltdown Over the Antarctica Trip and 24-Hour Sun'
Proof that AI is destined to fail
The four comers of the earth argument is so non sensical and stupid when you add it to your circle of the earth interpretation is just showing how deceived or dumb you really are . There are no corners in a circle so obvious try Sorry to call you dumb but maybe you need a knock in the head to wake up! It’s a false doctrine it’s literally a distraction and divisive topic and doesn’t make any sense ! The demons laugh ! First off wings is what corners means in Hebrew not “angles”. And in revelation it’s secret place … to point to allegory or an idiom . Not an actually corner of anything . Are all the angels standing in the corner somewhere !!!!?????? It’s so frustrating your dumb-ness !!! You so smart but not wise .
Our beliefs are the Word of God but tainted by your deception of that Aord and misunderstanding . “Ball” in Hebrew means circle ! lol . There is no word for sphere or whatever to argue oh it could have said “ball of the earth “ … Also in the Chaldea Hebrew lexicon the circle word means sphere !
BY the way the Bible is perfect in the King James text only . That’s been revcently proven and not many people know. Watch “truth is Christ , Brandon Peterson. The perfecting of the scriptures includes mistakes that are minor too. But also the Bible includes mysteries . It’s not the complete book of all knowledge … God figured we could figure some things out through brains and logic . The Bible doesn’t spell out the shape of anything .
Glad you did this video. I'm also a flat earther. It's the biggest lie of all time. I discovered flat earth 15yrs ago while sitting in the garden sunny day and happened to look up and spotted the moon. Hey what. !!! Then it dawned on me they are opposite. My eyes were open. Book of revelation etc the sky rolled up like a scroll suddenly made sense. Wow
SOOO…the "ancient cultures", while in complete darkness in perfect view of the movements of the sun, moon, stars, planets, were too ignorant to know the cycles of the universe, AND YET, built pyramids worldwide and thousands of megalithic structures that depict, follow, and predict, ALL of those movements and cycles?!? AND EVEN NOW, science has no clue how those megalithic structures were built, or what most of them mean…
Yeah…😂 okay
Off topic:🤔im wondering if people are using chat gpt and/or GROK, to write lyrics to new songs, based on popular opinions, thoughts etc…🧐
Something else is really intriguing: watching worldwide airplane routes, layover stops and emergency places chosen during a flight path. 🙌🏼🤯🧐🧩🧩🧩
Im curious about the WHY everyone who goes above a certain distance above the Earth's surface, always uses a fisheye lense. Even mountain climbers, who didn't used to use these, now use them and all videos and photos are arced like a rainbow. I remember videos and photographs that were flat. Flat as flat can be; from the top of Everest for example.🙌🏼🧐
GROK confirmed and
reproduced Dutchsinse's
discovery of worldwide
earthquake energy tranfer.
No such thing as coincidence.
That was awesome thanks Scotty. We are living in Satans Little Season, I believe Jesus already came back ruled for a thousand years in Tartaria, he let Satan out and we are living in the time of deception, after studying I believe that is his greatest lie, I believe he is still coming back, but not until every one in hell gets a chance to be born again, and choose who you they will follow God or Satan. So please look into Tartari,mud flood, and Satans Little season. Jesus said he was coming back quickly and in their lifetime, eitherJesus is a liar or man is. I have to go with man is a liar.
This is the biggest lie ever told and people around me have said to keep it to myself lest others think I’m insane. The exact thing nonbelievers say when you trying to introduce Jesus into a crowd of nonbelievers.
As a jet pilot I can say the flat earth theory is absolutely stupid. It is nonsense.
Glad you are awake to the truth! ETs are an equal or maybe even greater lie and stem from the heliocentric model. Like in so many movies, the lie is that they travelled to earth from a distant planet, but in reality, are from earth and were here before humans were created, ie, Intraterrestrials'… The fallen angels will be promoted as the saviors of the world when they "arrive" and will be part of the Great Deception. Another deception is end time eschatology, that the anti-Christ will reign for 1260 days. I'm not 7th Day Adventist, but believe what they do about the antichrist (and the Saturday Sabbath). That is, that the Papacy is the antichrist and was in power in the past (for 1260 years). Read the description of the Harlot in Rev 17, perfect description of the Papacy. The 1st Beast head was mortally wounded, but the wound is healed is returning back to power soon. The 2nd Beast, the US (it's the image of the 1st Beast and why there are so much Romanesque symbology in our nation's capitol and so many Catholics in government including the SCOTUS), will cause all to worship the 1st Beast by enforcing Sunday rest in support of Laudato Si. Trump will bend the knee to the Pope.