Quand c’est trop minuscule…😔
Au sein de ce clip, un spécialiste en informatique expose les fondements de cette technologie innovante. Il amorce en donnant une définition de l’intelligence artificielle comme la capacité d’une machine à assimiler et à résoudre des problématiques de manière autonome. Il évoque ensuite les diverses formes d’intelligence artificielle, notamment l’apprentissage automatisé et l’apprentissage en profondeur. L’intervenant met en lumière l’importance grandissante de l’intelligence artificielle dans plusieurs secteurs comme la santé, les finances et les déplacements. Pour conclure, il met en exergue les multiples possibilités offertes par l’intelligence artificielle tout en soulevant des enjeux éthiques et sociaux qu’il est essentiel de considérer.
Source : Dude | Date : 2024-05-04 13:57:23 | Durée : 00:00:31
What did you think of 🤔
Bro called us dirty minded in infinite languages 💀
Ayo what do they mean its hairy
Its dark?
Bro called us dirty minded in 10000 million languages 💀
I already new it was a dog i always saw videos of the dog thing
I knew it..
I thought all time it would be a dog i pass an innocent test
dirty minded ppl:😳😅
Innocent ppl: the dogs are so cute♥
Racist ppl: Bro said its dark too but the became white😱
Just got called dirty minded in 9 different languages 💀💀💀
I thought something else🍆
I know what you guys are thinking 💀😶
I thought there was a black baby
I knew it was a dog
Bro called us dirty in 1566 languages 😂
Man I got a dirty mind
Almost got me bruh I thought of it too but I said it's a dog cuz why would it be hairy and small if you uhmm show it to them in public💀💀
i knew it was a doggie
I thought it was sum way different
Bro called us dirty minded "to whole new level"💀
Your not dirty minded your not dirty minded your not dirty minded
My mind rn💀💀💀💀💀
I thought it meant you know what
Why did he say black but it looks white🤔🤔🤔🤔
My name is curtis no joke
Bro tryna call us dirty minded💀
What a dirty mind 💀
wtf did i just watch
They know what they were doing