Mon Chat GPT, Persuadeur de Mamans : Une Quête de Foi!

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Source : Aisha Rosalie | Date : 2025-01-01 13:00:22 | Durée : 00:19:14
Unlock your potential with Khadija’s Legacy Circle—a unique community empowering Muslim women to grow in faith, family, mind, body, business, and skills. Join expert-led courses designed to support your journey in deen and life with a supportive sisterhood. Begin your transformation today!
Deceiving your mum ? . You should be ashamed of yourself
Lucunya org atheist percaya sama jin/setan tp ga percaya dgn pencipta langit semesta
Isalam is the last and final true unaltered religion of God. If you as a person get to know about Isalam then it becomes a compulsory to believe in it. Denouncing it makes the person unbeliver or Kafeer who is considered disgusing the truth and true words of God. We instinctly by our nature have to get to know and search for our Creator which will then guide us to our real purpose in this life and in the hereafter life.
I am very glad you are converted to Islam . You are welcome to our family.
May Allah swt ease all your problems specially your mum to become a Muslim very soon. You must show kindness, compassionate and patience than before. She will realize the changes different you caring more on her before and after you converted to Islam.
Your friend gave a very good explanation about Islam to your mother and I understand she have got faith in Islam and very soon will embrace Islam. I’m for sure!
I am Muslim brother from Srilanka ❤
Your mom is so cute ❤
I am learning islamic virtues from white people. As a Bangladeshi, the thing is reverse where mum persuades the daughter to pursue islamic values because girls are becoming more open deviating from islamic norms.
Aayesha ji Salam walekum aapko apni Mummy ki mummy ko nakab uda kar bitani chahie❤❤❤
ChatGPT made by Christians, right? Wow! Good news.
May Allah guide your mom towards islam
May Allah Bless Us All Aameen 🤲
She said she didn't see God, so can't believe…. Right, 1000 yrs ago she had a mum and dad no doubt. She didn't see them but has to believe.
Chat dawah 😅 mashallah 🎉
I wish yout mum is guided to enter the deen, ameen
Its a software engineer that can be altered the way ypu want it to answer 6:29
Lmao chatgtpea worshippers open ai joke
With Love for Our Christian Brothers: A Message to the Wise Minds and Pure Hearts from Your Muslim Brothers, with Hearts Full of Love
Title: “It is Impossible for God to Become the Incarnate: Because Incarnation is Deficiency and Weakness Unbefitting to God Almighty”
Under the Theme of Sacrifice and Forgiveness
Question 1: If God incarnates in human form, will He lose His eternity?
Answer: Yes, because incarnation makes Him appear within time.
Example: The birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1) shows His beginning in time as a human.
Question 2: Does incarnation mean God abandons His infiniteness?
Answer: It seems so, because incarnation places Him in a specific place and time.
Example: Christ’s presence in one place at one time, like in Nazareth or Jerusalem (Matthew 2:23).
Question 3: How can the concept of absolute power be affected by incarnation?
Answer: Incarnation shows God bound by human weakness.
Example: Christ feeling hunger after fasting for forty days (Matthew 4:2).
Question 4: Will God still know everything after incarnation?
Answer: He might appear limited in His knowledge.
Example: Christ stating that He does not know the Day of Judgment, only the Father knows (Mark 13:32).
Question 5: What about God’s omnipresence? Does it change with incarnation?
Answer: Incarnation makes Him present in a specific place only.
Example: Christ’s presence in Galilee for preaching (Matthew 4:23).
Question 6: Will God be affected by emotions upon incarnation?
Answer: Yes, incarnation means experiencing human emotions.
Example: Christ weeping at the death of Lazarus (John 11:35).
Question 7: Does incarnation mean God abandons perfection?
Answer: Seemingly, yes, because He submits to human weakness.
Example: Christ’s crucifixion and physical suffering (Mark 15:25).
Question 8: How does the concept of God’s self-sufficiency change with incarnation?
Answer: It appears that He depends on human needs.
Example: Christ asking the Samaritan woman for water because He was thirsty (John 4:7).
Question 9: Does incarnation diminish God’s majesty and grandeur?
Answer: Yes, because He appears as an ordinary human.
Example: Christ being unrecognized as God by His family and relatives (Matthew 13:55-57).
Question 10: Is God still free after incarnation?
Answer: Incarnation confines Him to natural and human laws.
Example: Christ’s submission to gravity and natural laws, such as His need to walk from place to place (John 4:6).
Question 11: Does incarnation contradict the attribute of eternity?
Answer: Seemingly, yes, if He submits to death.
Example: Christ’s death on the cross (Matthew 27:50).
Question 12: Does God submit to any authority when incarnate?
Answer: He might appear to submit to human authorities.
Example: Christ’s trial before Pontius Pilate (John 19:10-11).
Question 13: How does the human environment affect the sanctity of the incarnate God?
Answer: He appears to partake in the ordinary, imperfect life of humans.
Example: Christ dining with sinners and tax collectors (Matthew 9:10-11).
Question 14: Will God lose His creative power upon incarnation?
Answer: He does not exercise His creative power clearly as a human.
Example: Christ relying on ordinary food prepared by others, such as being fed by His mother in childhood (Luke 2:7).
Alhamdulillah.. ❤❤❤
God bless you keep up good work 👏
MasyaAllah. Thanks Aisha. May Allah bless you and strenghthen your IMAAN till death
Don't give up.
Allah will one day open up.
Her heart of understanding. In Shaa Allah our duas for you and your family ameen. Only Allah knows what is written for us he kows our hearts.
I would like your mother to see the movie The Message Anthony Quinn acted in it. 1976 flimsy.
Watch also The Ten Commandment Charles Heston and Yul Brynner acted in it.
It biblical.
Truth to the point both the movies.
Brought me to understand more about Islaam. Today I'm not even sorry.
Take up the challenge you won't lose anything. As long as you passed on the message. Duas for you and your family and all umma ameen. Good in this world and better for the hearafter forever ameen by Allah's permission ameen.
I think to atheists we should prove that life is not limited with this life and death will come either you believe or not.
Ask ChatGPT about Grooming gangs: this is an ongoing phenomenon in England. These are gangs of Muslim rapists who sexually enslave white British minors, often giving them drugs and alcohol and subjecting them to the worst tortures. Eternal shame on islam.
i was wondering.. when she is surprised or in shock.. does she said "oh my god.." unconsciously?
Revert not convert
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