Maîtrisez l’art de la traduction en anglais avec l’IA gratuite – Chat GPT

YouTube video

Dans cette vidéo tutoriel, l’animateur nous montre comment utiliser l’intelligence artificielle de Chat GPT pour traduire du texte d’une langue à une autre. Il commence par copier un texte en français qu’il souhaite traduire en anglais, puis le colle dans l’outil Chat GPT en sélectionnant l’option “Translate into English”. En quelques secondes, le texte est traduit avec succès. Cette méthode peut être utilisée pour traduire dans n’importe quelle langue et prend environ 40 secondes. C’est une façon simple et efficace d’utiliser l’IA pour faciliter la traduction de texte.
Source : Curtis Pyke | Date : 2022-12-30 15:00:34 | Durée : 00:01:12

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It only works for languages written in english letters, When you try Cntrl + C and Cntrl + V of languages like Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Hindi, Indian, etc, Things really get messed up 😔


Besides, Immersive Translate can also translate multiple languages for free in the most cases .


I usually use Immersive Translate to help me translate everything that I need.


Chat gpt cannot translate perfectly…


Immersive translates incorporates the help of Chatgpt and any other search engines such as DeepL and Gemini. It is absolutely free and user friendly. It is a bilingual software hence translation to any language you like. It also translates documents such as Pdfs and generates Video and movie subtitles.


Immersive Translate is an AI-powered plugin that will definitely fulfill all your translation needs. It works to accurately and smoothly translate all webpages, PDFs, ebooks, and even Youtube videos and Netflix! It even supports Google Translate, ChatGPT, DeepL, Gemini, etc. There’s also a cool feature where if you hover your mouse over a specific text, it’ll automatically translate it for you. Compatible with all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Comes in two versions: one is free and the other is Pro, where you’d have to pay. The free version is great for casual translations, but if you’re willing to dig a little deeper, then the Pro version has it all here for you!


Does anybody know about Undetectable AI? Trust me guys this AI help me to rewrite my essays and make it human written and bypass AI detectors


how to translate a whole file? its 700 pages i wont copy every page and google translate is suck


Native French speaker here. I wrote and traditionally published 8 novels which rights are reverting to be soon. I wanted to explore this to translate them into French as I will be able to assess the quality of the translation unlike in other languages where I can only trust the software or pay someone to do it for me – and trust them.


i tried to translate this video transcript but failed


I like to play Japanese eroges, which are Japanese games for adults. But when I try to translate them with Chat GPT, it says it can't translate them because the text I'm asking it to translate contains sexually explicit language and that's against its usage policy. Which I find really stupid because I am only asking it to translate a dialog, not to create a dialog.


Where is the link? I did open an account but it does not look like yours and doesn't have all those sub categories…


How to translate video language into english subtitles


My first thought when I heard your voice and the way you talk was that you were Michael Shanks 🙂


how to add manners for it ?
like casual manner or formal


can we do it to video with another language?


How is that different than google translate?

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