Libérez votre potentiel : Générer des pistes illimitées gratuitement grâce à ChatGPT !

YouTube video

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Source : Charlie Barber | Date : 2024-04-09 22:28:35 | Durée : 00:12:14

ChatGPT generer

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I'm. InI south Africa will your school work for me??


Video title is wrong, leads, in this video however, just contacts, do not origin from ChatGPT, but from websites with business contacts. Author is only using ChatGPT to re-format the website page with the contact information to some form useful to him. Web scrapers and scripts for that reason exist already in many browsers, and using scripts like that is much more smarter than what author presents on video. A script may browse the pages and generate CSV, JSON or other format for parsing with computer. Doing the handwork with ChatGPT is not for any serious contact capturing marketer. But hey, I let him live in illusion. When I just heard that this is one of best videos, etc. I was curious, but then I see author is not yet on the professional level of lead management. And it was not about leads, it was about capturing contacts from website. Contacts and leads is not same.


This was an excellent demonstration thank you so much


Simple and effective!!! Really great explanation and no unnecessary verbiage! Respect! + subscription. You made your mom so proud


You're video write up isn't really clear maybe i will try watching with PC to see if i can catch up


I’m confused how is this leads ? Leads for what type of work ?


I just tried Google Uk and the problem is that First Name Last name phone number email is not listed on inital page


This does not work for yellow pages UK because Uk does not expose the contact details on the first page


you my friend are an absolute animal!!!


This is only exclusive to the U.S?


Unfortunately you spend an hour trying to get GPT to not be a lazy fool and populating the requested data completely and not doing silly stuff like just copy/pasting the websites and phone numbers from the 5 it previewed to the full list of 500 leads..


How would you adjust this for Buyer and Seller leads? Thank you


No, not falling for that, I rather talk on the phone


Very nice of you to share this great information. Thank you.


with this method, can someone get as much as 50,000 contacts?


Love you man, this is gold


In the first round you paste and the Company Website is not a URL but it created a clickable link "Website". How did you do this? It doesnt work for me.


Such a great video, I’m definitely going to try this out.


Very sweet of you to help us!


Format the below data into a table, and create a column forCount, First Name, Last Name, Company name, Company website, instagram Link, Phonenumber, Email.


Thank you and how to do for B2C ?


Use LeadStal for valid leads with good conversion rate . I used it last 9 months. it's amazing


Can I do this for home owner data?


Really clever explanation and no unnecessary verbiage! Respect! + subscription


Sorry mate! You may have a million leads, but the real question is: how many can be converted into opportunities, then into projects, and ultimately into signed contracts (POs)? A million leads alone won’t bring value unless they’re qualified.


I can not get the format of the Yellow pages!!! can someone help


How to generate Leads for people who are looking to buy a house? Is this the same process to do to get them? Thank you! Love you video thou. very informative.


i am a local locksmith doing local services in my area, how can I use this to get more customers? Maybe, target repair shops for car keys etc?


I cant see how you get the emails from the first example? Only from the fit ess coaches. Could you describe how you do the same process as first example but actually getting the emails? Also would it only detect the general email as example info@….or could you get specefic like Ceo, HR or Marketing director/manager? I found other ai / platforms for this but you have to add the comoanies mor manual and the save. Still effectiv if you want emails for email marketing or campaigns, but this method, if we can get emails as in the first example would be quite effective!
Please let me know!
Could video!


Can this be tailored to a real estate market list of motivated sellers?




Alison for Thomas Shields lol


The problem with these free leads is the quality… It's questionable…


Very interesting content, but … there's always a "but" … this isn't lead gen, it's call-list gen. Lead gen is getting prospects to call YOU! This usually happens through referrals, SEO, seminars, etc. – people that have interacted with you, your organization, etc. Find you stuff interesting and will be exploring your material.

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