Le trading automatisé : Comment l’IA ChatGPT m’a permis de générer 100 000 dollars

Le commerce automatisé : Comment l’intelligence artificielle de ChatGPT m’a aidé à produire 100 000 dollars

YouTube video

Dans ce clip, le commerçant modeste teste diverses approches de transaction et des automates de transaction basés sur l’intelligence artificielle. En employant ChatGPT, un robot AI, il élabore une tactique de transaction basée sur le V-WAP sur le site Trading View. Malgré des performances inconstantes avec des profits modestes, le commerçant remarque que le robot requiert des consignes précises et un réajustement constant pour être plus lucratif. Il met également en lumière l’importance de la gestion des dangers et de poser des interrogations spécifiques à l’IA pour obtenir les conclusions souhaitées. Même si le robot a révélé des limitations en terme de rentabilité, le commerçant demeure confiant quant à ses possibilités d’amélioration. Si le trading avec l’IA vous intéresse, n’hésitez pas à tester vous-même et à exprimer votre avis sur les conclusions obtenues. A suivre pour voir si le commerçant modeste réussit à perfectionner davantage le bot pour engranger des profits plus significatifs.

Source : Humbled Trader | Date : 2023-02-23 16:30:11 | Durée : 00:21:12



What do you think about ChatGPT? 🤖 Do you use it every day? Or are you kinda freaked out?

Part two of my ChatGPT trading strategy 👉🏼 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ii7OR8-DLs


Share script for those of us who are less tech inclined


@Humbletrader time stamp @ 13:25 you forgot to change the 14 period to 30. This would have changed the all the stats.


how can i use this in the thinkorsink platform?


Io sono italiano vale lo stesso ?


What about focusing the GPT to use smaller time frames.


You should insert a tren filter and change the inputs for position size…


Wich leverage do you use on your daily trading, and this testing with Chatgpt?


I don't think you should be a fun, of looking the strategy of others people.
You can use it , to build a base, but from that create your own way, that work…for you.
Ghere's no point to share what's working, because if you shares, it won't work, after certain time.

Personally, I won't trust my money to chatbot, it's fun to play, but that's it.

anyway, I use Keep it simple and Stupid… and it work.

When I listen to others trader, mostly, it's for they experience, bad, good, how they survive and thrive.

listening to idea, forecast, or strategy … doesn't make any sense.

1-build your strategy of what works.( from others trader for free).
2- optimism it for your life style.
3- keep it for you, no need to brag…(silence)
4/ for ever: optimism, and study your self


I see this video is a year old, do you still use ChatGPT on occasion, and have you improved it since then?


Hi you did a good job teaching along how to use chat did not know you could do that like to follow continue video is to short ❤😊


NICE KEEP GOING WE CAN TWEAK IT MORE IT CAN be a better version later keep the good work and thank you for sharing


how can i make the buy and sell show on the chart.


You never perform real trading


Im poore very mush im poor i need help just iwant work how do this and so sorry i said that 😔



Thank you very much for your excellent videos.

I reviewed the code that you copied, and it appears to be related to the Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA), rather than the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP).

While ChatGPT can be helpful, it may still require some knowledge of coding for backtesting using Tradingview.


On which site did she do it?


Thats great. I love tradimg view but am new at trading. How to you get ai to place the trases for you ?


We are currently in the jaws of the worst bear markets I have seen, the average stock has been cut in half, and the only way to make money this year has been to either short or to trade long in very short time frames. I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my dipping $117k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?



Mein name ist Bernd

Ich habe eine Idee wie du eventuell ein neues Video machen könntest was mich interessieren würde.

Es geht um ausbrüche am Chart nachdem die ASIA Session geschlossen wurde.

1. Asia Session geschlossen

2. Durchbricht der Chart die das Asia High nach oben oder unten so wird ein Trade eingegangen Short/Long


SL von 25 – 50 – 100 Tic im NQ

SL von 15 – 25 – 35 Tic im S&P 500


TP bei 100 – 200 Tic im NQ eventuell auch ein Traling Stop von 50 – 75 Tic

TP bei 20 – 50 Tic im S&P 500 eventuell auch ein Trailing Stop

Lg. Bernd

Ich bin schon sehr gespannt


Thanks for your video! I learned a lot about TV, and the art of tweaking.


AI , I think it’s a option for beginners to get them going


These ai traders are worse than signals in binary trading. Bot free set up stupid cost. And directiom to diy was all messed up. In never worked!


I was advised to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio for retirement. I'm seeking to invest $200K across markets but don't know where to start.


i can't open the code source of vwap, why? please inform me

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