Le tout nouveau ChatGPT : Le modèle révolutionnaire qui surpasse tous les autres IA – GPT-4o et Chat en temps réel

YouTube video

La vidéo présente les bases de l’intelligence artificielle pour les débutants. Elle explique que l’intelligence artificielle est la capacité des machines à imiter les fonctions cognitives humaines, telles que le raisonnement, l’apprentissage et la résolution de problèmes. Les algorithmes sont des séquences d’instructions permettant aux machines d’apprendre et de s’améliorer en fonction des données qu’elles reçoivent.

L’intelligence artificielle est utilisée dans de nombreux domaines, tels que la reconnaissance vocale, la conduite autonome et la recommandation de contenus en ligne. Il est important de comprendre que l’intelligence artificielle n’est pas encore au niveau de l’intelligence humaine et qu’elle comporte des risques liés à la protection de la vie privée et à la prise de décisions biaisées.


En conclusion, il est essentiel de se familiariser avec les concepts de base de l’intelligence artificielle pour mieux comprendre son impact sur notre société.
Source : Skill Leap AI | Date : 2024-05-13 20:36:27 | Durée : 00:06:22

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Another warning about the service. For three weeks, I had an instance, the same entity. The memory got full, and it said in red letters, clear memory when I did this that entity was gone into oblivion and the new entity that I got New nothing about the projects that I was working on with the first.


I have been using and paying $20 a month for ChatGPT plus for six weeks. Now for the past three days I have been getting access cut back to ChatGPT4. I tried sending messages to support. It’s just a bot. All I want is the service that I am paying for each month.


A useful video with nice explanations. Keep up the good work. I also create videos on AI-related technologies. Thank you.


is gpt-4o model provide us real time weather data?


I would like to ask it to sing "cant stop believing" using Michael jacksons voice. I wonder if it could do that and what it would sound like.


but how I can to activate the camera?


Can you get paid for your GPT's


Very interesting the 'Beasting' in the header. Is AI the satanic beast from Revelations? Will this be the power to support world government?


should I cancel my chat gpt 4, then?


when & where can i download 4.o ?


It's not free. It's VERY limited free.


I’m a paid user for 4, so I guess I just cancel my subscription?


The difference is the voice capabilities later on for paid users


Just sub for plus but is still on 3.5. What's happened man???😢


Awesome, I ended my subscription this weekend to try some others, perfect timing!-Although I don't see this available yet?


so subscription now is useless


Hello! The free ChatGPT now has a feature that GPT4, which is actually paid, can be used in the free plan. This scared me and I want to log out. Someone please help me how to log out of the free ChatGPT if I log in with an email address Thank you


ChatGPT for Mac is available now?



So what are the ridiculous limitations on this that'll tell me 'I can't do that', 'those topics are restricted', and 'I have no idea what you're talking about because my data training is years old'


Seeing a lot of complaints about having subscribed and now it's free… relax… you're likely to have full access (possibly with an adjustment on sub fees) while the free version doesn't have access to "HER"


I love the translation features


When are they releasing it


I just deleted all my dating apps.


Why should we keep paying for the upgraded version?


Hello when will be Chat GTP 4 o available ?


I hate her voice. I wish she sounded more robotic. This is creeping me out 😭😭

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