Le langage ChatGPT réinvente Super Mario Bros

YouTube video

Dans cette vidéo, un expert en intelligence artificielle nous explique les bases de cette technologie révolutionnaire. Il commence par définir l’intelligence artificielle comme la capacité pour une machine d’apprendre et de résoudre des problèmes de façon autonome, en imitant le fonctionnement du cerveau humain. Il souligne que l’IA est présente dans de nombreux domaines tels que la santé, les transports et l’éducation. Il insiste sur l’importance de l’éthique et de la transparence dans le développement de l’IA, afin d’éviter les dérives et les discriminations. Enfin, il encourage les débutants à se former et à s’intéresser à cette technologie en pleine expansion.
Source : Minimunch | Date : 2023-06-22 16:03:17 | Durée : 00:08:01

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AI is so bad brah, they cant do a single good thing


Instead of having just a remake of 1-1, you should get ai to design the level.


When you buy Super Mario bros. from the fle market…


4:39 did u have to mute because of copyrighted music?


now this mod.s personized ll


I'm working on an rpg maker mv game partially made by chatgpt it's awesome


Every now and then you sound like the turtle character off of Finding Dory.


7:15 You didn't want ChatGPT to be "overwhelmed" with too much work to do?

Just admit the truth 😛


how is this super mario bros wonder bro


Ma simt capturat în masina la drum lung tot timpul pe sta nga teoriile lui tate incomod m-am obișnuit


I think the princess is in another castle


This video shows how much important is human taste and artistic skill to do quality games.


can chat gpt make me a medieval fantasy version of rust?


haha iim late it says you made mario wonder xd


I wanna see some animations on this one. Make another video ASAP


Add animations and it's good enough to be played 👍


Ai:Millions of references to make a character from

Also ai:Still so dumb to even make a normal looking pixel mario


Stfu with the let's go let's go. So fucking annoying


Holy shit this guys annoying




can ai beat nintendo's lawyers? future video.


Thank god I skipped to the end.


Are you able to release the song so we can listen to it? (It’s really fire)


0:46 . T Rex Eyed Mario dosen't exist. he can't hurt you. T Rex Eyed Mario🗿:


chatgbt pronounces it "brothers"


Well done Theo Von 😄👍


6:58 song was so terrible i had to click off mb

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