L’arnaque de l’IA – Non… ChatGPT ne vous fera PAS gagner 300 $ par jour.
L’intelligence artificielle (IA) est une opportunité lucrative pour les arnaqueurs. Dans cette vidéo, l’auteur explique comment utiliser l’IA pour gagner de l’argent en ligne. Cependant, il souligne que cela relève d’un canular. Pourquoi ? Premièrement, l’IA ne produit pas de contenu aussi bon que les humains, et donc les vidéos ou les chaînes YouTube automatisées ne seront pas aussi populaires que celles créées par de vrais créateurs. Deuxièmement, l’IA ne peut pas rivaliser avec les grandes plates-formes comme Walmart et Amazon, qui offrent des délais de livraison plus rapides, une meilleure reconnaissance de marque, des prix plus bas et une plus grande sélection de produits. Troisièmement, les chatbots IA ne peuvent pas choisir des actions de manière plus précise qu’un gestionnaire de fonds expérimenté, malgré ce qu’affirment certains « influenceurs financiers ». En résumé, l’IA ne vous rendra pas riche du jour au lendemain. Il est important d’être conscient des promesses exagérées et des faux espoirs liés à l’utilisation de l’IA pour gagner de l’argent en ligne.
Source : How Money Works | Date : 2023-06-25 18:04:07 | Durée : 00:12:27
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Cnn said ….. ohhhh it's a scam
Im a noob and agree that AI is not replacement (yet) for content creation. Its outputs can be helpful but they are generally blend. Many will say that you have to be good at prompt input, and to some degree that ia true, but the caveat is that YOU still have to be creative and be knowledgeable about your craft for the prompts to even work successfully.
As a software engineer I use AI daily. It makes me 2 to 3 % faster.
Very nice video. In my opinion, it explains the problem simply, which is not an easy feat, especially for experts in any field. Kudos for that.
My feedback is that I believe it lacks a segment discussing the advantages of ChatGPT. While I don't think this omission was intentional, I feel that you presented a black-and-white perspective on a nuanced topic.
Yes, grifters are problematic, but there are benefits to utilizing such tools.
Hmm, so what makes you any different? Making videos for click bait, opposing others and how they make their money grifting, while making money off of the same people that watch those videos lol.
9:07 the circle jerking here is just sad and pathetic
Well if the banker shill on YouTube says something, it must be true
What these idiots fail to realize is that sureeee some dumb employer will hire people on freelancer or upwork to do something and you can do it with chatgpt but nooooo those employers are not smart enough to use Chatgpt on their own to do it in the first place instead of spending money to hire freelancers… besides many explicitly say dont use ai.
It's so funny because to use A.I to code you actually have to know how to code. A.I makes so many errors that you wouldn't think were errors.
I imagine it producing videos would be even worse, it can't know what is attractive to humans.
Hard to find genuine content like this now a days. Many thanks.
the crazy thing about drop shipping is that the top stores sell millions of dollars worth of something that can be bought on ali at 10% of the price and that the public simply doesn't bother to check. Same with so much of what is on amazon
ffs this is basically NFTs all over again..
The ad in the middle of this video was about an AI grifter about getting more calls for business.
Oh the irony.
Something something only people who made money on the gold rush sold shovels.
Ok so you mention walmart and amazon as competition to drop shipping when many sellers actually use both site to drop ship from
I appreciate this video. I'm super new to content creation and use some AI tools to learn the process. There is no such thing as easy money, and these "Get rich quick" schemes are an obvious grift.
…I thought all the videos on this channel were chatgpt 😮
Speak of the devil, right as the video ends a YouTube ad for some ChatGPT get-rich-quick scheme appears 🙃
Finely some one speaking the truth.. Thank you.
Finally someone who reveals those scumbags on youtube!
I came here to get an idea of how to trade utilizing A.I trading bot after hearing a guy on a podcast talk about the importance of A.I trading bot and how he made $660,000 in 6 months from $50,000. This video has helped to clarify a few things for me, but I'm still puzzled, I'm a rookie, and I'm open to suggestions.
Chatgpt is a Fancy word for auto complete
YouTube is a scammers generator!
I mostly use Chatgpt to learn about business and point me to the right people to talk to and learn from, Mostly a guide to the right information im looking for then making sure everything it says is correct and double checking it's answers with people who have actual experience in said topic.
I’ve used ai in my company for efficiency
If anyone can do it, everyone will do it. Having the maximum competition is part of the blueprint for imminent disaster.
That’s a smart ad for “ brilliant “