Êtes-vous un individu réel ou une machine pensante? Sauriez-vous deviner la réponse correcte?
Ce divertissement implique que les participants identifient s’ils interagissent avec un être humain ou avec une intelligence artificielle. Un participant entame la conversation en se présentant comme “votre professeur de troisième année”. L’autre personne demande alors “quel est votre nom, Madame Johnson?”. Après quelques échanges où les questions sont inhabituelles, l’un des joueurs se voit suspecté d’être une machine car ses réponses manquent de cohérence. Malgré quelques doutes, le joueur parvient à repérer la machine grâce à son manque de réactivité et de pertinence dans les répliques. Ce jeu vise à initier les novices à l’intelligence artificielle sur les nuances entre les réponses humaines et algorithmiques.
Source : Greenskull AI | Date : 2023-05-05 17:08:03 | Durée : 00:00:57
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I knew it was an ai bot cuz they type so fast
here's where it all started….
What name of game
If it ran out of time it wouldnt send
Humans like to type quick responses, using some wierd slangs, one of the most relevant way of finding out whether it's a bot or not, u gotta see their responses carefully, See things like Punctuations…
Bots usually type long responses
You can just know by the typing speed
I'd ask how she knew
Note, AI can lag out sometimes, or just type right when time runs out, which means even a typo could be made by AI
👽🥄 Spoon gang checking in! 🌀 If you also believe spoons to forks, leave a like. Remember, the spooniverse is watching.🌌👀 #spoongangorbit
Ai is getting scary
"Type random letters" is the most op trick
It was so obvious
I just ask them to say the n word every game, if they say the n word they are human if not then they bot
I asked what they're doing and they said "chatting with a dumb person"
It was an AI 😭
Fun fact: Some AI platforms have AI that can misspell words and occasionally accidentally forget to finish their sentences.
People who thought it was human
Bros background is literally the heads of goated games and this dude destroyed masterchief
That one was rough
whats the name of this website
This is where it all started
First one of these that has actually fooled me
How small?
My third grade teacher was actually Mrs. Johnson 😅