Est-ce rentable de migrer vers ChatGPT Plus ? Comparaison entre l’édition OpenAI Chat GPT Plus et l’édition libre.

ChatGPT Plus représente une innovation qui modifie l’efficacité de Chat GPT. Chat GPT Plus exploite Chat GPT4, un modèle nettement plus avancé que Chat GPT3 ou 3.5. Il intègre le moteur de recherche Bing pour obtenir des données et des actualités en temps réel. Il offre également l’accès à des extensions Chat GPT, permettant ainsi de tirer parti des applications déjà maîtrisées et de les utiliser pour obtenir l’assistant AI le plus intelligent possible. De plus, Chat GPT Plus est nettement plus réactif avec des réponses rapides. La transition vers Chat GPT Plus propose un accès immédiat, des temps de réponse plus rapides et un accès prioritaire aux nouvelles fonctionnalités. Elle permet également d’utiliser Chat GPT4, un modèle plus rapide et plus performant. En outre, la fonction de partage de liens peut être activée dans ChatGPT Plus, et il est possible d’utiliser l’application officielle ChatGPT pour iPhone.
Source : Tim Harris Video AI | Date : 2023-06-01 12:00:24 | Durée : 00:04:27
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Please help me
Upgrade chat gptplus
Great possibilities, but… The capacity before getting this message "You've reached the current usage cap for GPT-4, please try again after…" is WAY too small. How can they take a substantial monthly fee and not have a capacity that makes it useful?
Speed isn't an issue for what I use it for in creating professional descriptions, ads, etc in my Amazon and eBay stores as well as my own website so I wouldn't upgrade for speed. What I would have really liked to see is other than speed, how much difference is the verbiage, can you select like with other AI options of more personal, more professional, or Scholar levels of speech. Others often have various mood settings for the speech output and text to voice reading that can be downloaded. Do the plugins cost more? If I'm not a fan of Bing as I'm not, can I make Google my prefered resource? Lot's of missed information in the video as it really appears you only touched on speed which is fine, but the video needs to be updated. Chat GPT now gives free AI Art however I can't seem to find a free trial anywhere on it to see if it's worth it or if it's junk? Either way they are including it now with Pro and should be noted.
I'm still on the fence but I'm sure the future will bring much, much more.
I dont see the benefit in paying 20 dollars just to ask about the weather in Bali? on my computer ill use google for that. Maybe show the benfit of some of the other plugins- I am not going + based on information in this video.
I was wondering when you were going to blink, or did you edit your blinking out…
Can you ask about other persons with Chat gpt plus?
Good review! subscription might not be a good idea because waiting for 5 minutes in the free version isn't a big problem.
Do the plugins have a cost?
anyone know if the paid version is more update to date of recent data. free goes up to Sept 2021. how about paid version?
So..they want 20 f'n dollars a month, but the messages are still limited? Lulz
So wait a few years for more significant features that actually makes the premium version worth it, go it!
People, don't be fooled. This AI with 4 version wasn't trained with newest data, it just CAN browse and try to process new data:
"OpenAI, the Microsoft-backed creator of ChatGPT, has confirmed the chatbot can now browse the internet to provide users with current information. The artificial intelligence-powered system was previously trained only using data up to September 2021."
Does a Plus sub also get you access to the API & Playground?
lol so only faster response time? quality of the answer is still the same
I have upgraded and I don't have access to the Bing live search, does anyone know why?
Aced my chemistry exam cuz of this
Is almost 1 minecraft account every month.
And i know my priorities 😀
NO!, my dear friend. ChatGPT Plus does not use the latest information. It is still based on data till September 2021. Please do your research properly before putting it in videos. Ask ChatGPT and it will itself tell you that that's the latest data it has. It really hurts someone's credibility if they don't do proper research.
The quality of this video is worth to subscribe 🎉
What do you mean 'go to chatgpt'? Where is that?
Can I get access to gpt4 api as well if I only pay for gpt4+ ?
Great and informative video. Thank you! One question: did chatgpt plus get rid of the Bing option? I am going through the steps you review in your video, I can get all the plugins but Bing doesn’t appear as it does on your account.
It is like paying some kid to regurgitate are we there yet.
See this ai is programed to not tell you the truth its a waste of time an money i dont need to pay to be lied too my x did that for free…
So ill say this
Lies from the table cloth
Is Chat GPT-4 up to date with 2023?
nigga can u stop saying chatgpt
Just purchased the plus version based on your video, it has no option to brows with internet search… Misleading information or what is the explanation?
It will NOT let me browse with bing! seems like a waste of money!
Does ChatGPT+ have a more relevant database with events that have taken place after 2021?
can the gpt plus be used by multiple users
this video looks like AI generated