Développez votre Chatbot GPT en Python en Moins de 4 Minutes !

Bien sûr, je peux vous aider à rédiger un résumé. Cependant, je n’ai pas accès à la transcription de la vidéo YouTube dont vous parlez. Pourriez-vous me donner les points principaux ou des extraits de cette transcription, afin que je puisse créer un résumé clair et adapté aux débutants en intelligence artificielle ?
Source : Tech With Tim | Date : 2023-10-09 16:17:56 | Durée : 00:03:56
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what app are you using for python?
will this work offline
Hello,i have a question:Why doesnt my ai work?It says stuff about "you tried to use openai.chatcompletion but it is not supported anymore".A little help please??
How to create into app
Very helpful, thanks a lot Sir.
Great tutorial! After downgrading open ai's package version to be compatible with the code and updating the model it worked flawlessly.
i got a problem that I type me message but there is no reply from the bot it show "You" every time when i press enter and there is no any reponse
Can u do this with Gemini or deepseek free version it will be more useful
To which path do I import the openai packages?
Would be nice if you actually try to run it
how to publish it sir?
pycharm says this is a bad error (if "_main_" == _name_:) you have to change it.
yeah, I copied down the whole code it doesn't work, the oycharm will not let it work, what can you do now?
The problem is using api keys. I need one from scratch not depending on apis
iam getting an error like : NameError: name 'true' is not defined. Did you mean: 'True'? what i have to do i can't find out pls anybody help me
Is it possible to connect this Chatbot to a html website?
I keep getting a ModuleNotFound error when trying to run it. I have openai installed/
Does this keep a chat history?
Is it possible to teach that AI?
give me the copy of course pls