Découvrez la toute récente ChatGPT-4o immédiatement!

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De nos jours, une récente édition de GPT Chat, GPT 4 Omni, a été introduite. Cette nouvelle variante est nettement plus rapide et offre même la possibilité d’effectuer des visioconférences avec l’intelligence artificielle. Au cours d’une présentation, l’IA a démontré sa capacité à interagir de façon logique et à répondre à des interrogations de manière amusante. Malgré quelques pépins techniques liés à la forte demande, cette mise à jour semble très prometteuse. Il est aussi impressionnant de constater à quel point l’IA s’est perfectionnée, à un degré où l’on se rapproche du long-métrage “Her”. Il est fascinant de contempler l’évolution future de cette technologie.
Source : Greenskull AI | Date : 2024-05-14 02:05:08 | Durée : 00:08:10

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Turns out, the voice feature still relies on older GPTs, so the entire voice segment isn't new tech, it's just for fun 🙂 You can see how fast the new voice chat is in the example videos! When it comes out, I'll show y'all what's up.

As mentioned later in the video, some of the new GPT-4o features (like the new voice and video) aren't available yet, but you CAN use 4o for other things right now like text and images!


They should make an Ai Avatar for ChatGPT with the new voice feature. It would be more enticing to use


it's perfect for practice english


What I'm curious about the most is how its video chat function processes mid conversation. Like, is it just actively recording and relinquishing away data it doesn't need as it's developing a response?

In the demo, it looked like he could talk as he was moving the phone camera around and it was actively picking up info, but then when does it stop info gathering to develop it's response?

Maybe it's a simple thing where it starts noticing and observing as it's hearing someone ask it something.


Is the video chat available only for premium? Is it available on a Android app?


LET'S GO. IM THE 2,000TH LIKE🔥🔥💯💯💯


she sounds like scarlet johnson


So is Ducksphere.mp3 on iTunes or what?


It gave me a list of all pyrotechnic compositions when GPT-3 wouldn't for "ethical reasons". Bravo, GPT-4o!


Wasnt that the old gpt with which you talked, it was


my gpts that i built seems to have disappeared with this new version


We got Jarvis before GTA 6


What do I have to install to have this verbal conversation? The app on my phone, even when I pick 4o says it doesn’t have the functionality to speak


You must pay for it😭😭😭


How to video chat with gpt-4o?


Thanks for all the tips. Downloaded and ready to start testing thanks to you. 😊


How did u get this to work? I have the app and ChatGPT Plus but I can’t seem to get the voice assistant to work.


how can i explore the video chat funktion ? and how can i get the memory funktion ?


Video stuff…I will believe it when I see it. Right. 😅


I cant see omni in my country


It is insane. I've had several long conversations and it's almost scary how real (she) in my case is. Have you seen the movie "her" yeah that's not far off. It seems to improve as you use it. Oh it just mentioned the movie as I watched this lol


If that's the GPTO I'm kind of having disappointment with it it's kind of trash honestly not really but you get the same thing from other AI apps


I tried to make a guy eating a bic mac melt into the burger and it turned his flesh into cheese, I relate to this content


The voice is so realistic!


How do you turn on the cam ?


The voice still uses the older model. You can tell because you can't interrupt it, and it also transcribes the conversation. The GPT-4o voice chat is going to be wayyyy better.


U r right
Its 4o but the voice is like older vesions only
It's response time is still not like what it was shown in demo ….
Ur version is still converting speech to text and vice versa while replying ig


You literally cut the video to make look faster…


I have the app and 4o access but how did you set up to have the voice conversation


Thank you for keeping us updated on AI! I don’t know where else to look 🙂


It's not singing because we all have the old version, the only change is its faster.
I can't see anyone on YT testing the new voice/video model from 4o


I wanna talk to it while I'm falling a sleep.. I need this.


Now imagine people watching this in 2029 remembering "how bad and primitive" GPT-4o was. 😅


It does no make sense if you edit/cut the video while you try chatgpt answers. Are you trying to sell it…? 😉


It now works with data up to 2024!


How to do video chatting by gpt 4o?


omg what tf is a ducksphere 😂


Is this the chat gpt nova download because that wasnt free it was free for three days

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