Comment j’ai créé un business d’affiliation complet en utilisant Chat GPT

**Comment j’ai développé un entreprise d’affiliation complète en utilisant Chat GPT**

YouTube video
Dans ce clip vidéo, Chad Bartlett, un spécialiste du marketing d’affiliation, partage son expérience sur la façon dont il exploite l’intelligence artificielle (IA) pour ériger une activité en ligne complète dans le secteur de la réparation du crédit. Il commence par sélectionner un domaine, en ce cas la réparation de crédit, puis élabore une mailing-list en proposant aux individus intéressés un manuel gratuit pour améliorer leur historique de crédit. Ensuite, il recourt à des outils d’IA pour concevoir ce contenu principal et le transformer en un livre électronique attrayant. Après cela, il utilise un programme de conception de site Internet pour mettre en place un tunnel où les visiteurs peuvent opter pour recevoir le manuel gratuit. Il imite également des e-mails rédigés par l’IA pour concocter une série de courriels pour ces abonnés. Enfin, il recommande un produit en tant que partenaire affilié dans les e-mails afin de générer des commissions. Il évoque également l’utilisation de l’IA pour susciter des idées de contenu pour TikTok et autres plateformes sociales dans le but d’orienter du trafic vers son site web. Chad met en avant que l’IA, associée à une démarche stratégique, peut constituer un outil efficace pour ériger un business en ligne florissant.
Source : Chad Bartlett | Date : 2023-02-01 18:14:11 | Durée : 00:25:50

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Hope you all enjoyed the video! Be sure to download a FREE copy of my affiliate marketing 2023 guide here 👉


I’ve generated at least 100k contacts from clients I’ve worked with and don’t know how to put them to work, can you help me with this plz?


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So this is an affiliate marketing funnel for Builderall


I love this. I love how you’re using this to build your own email database. This is brilliant.


Hey, I really love your videos. They're so informative.

Jus a question, can I serve that? Like building opt-in or funnels for someone, also how can I find those people without freelancing platforms


hey chad! i signed up for builderall through your link and i’m not seeing the pre-built funnel pages. not sure how to access that please let me know how to fix this! thanks!


I just heard the bit that starts alarm bells ringing the where for a split second i think "wow thats nice of him , what a stand up guy, But then the sunsets air raid sirens begin blasting out in my head I feel like I shared a plate of sushi with lithenyenko and the betrayal is begining to peep its head over the brow of the hill, "I already made a million with affiliate marketing , so now im nust here to help all ye stinkers to take money from my field..yup like you do…haha


Where is proof of 500 a day? Great info(mercial)…


Great video. Would love to see part 2.


I love your videos' but fuck me dead the music is on repeat and so annoying in the back ground.


Thanks for the video, love how you gave some actually useful details even though it’s your own funnel 😉 instead of a lot of others just using vague mentions of the process.


Beautiful as usual!…I could watch you all day!


Sheesh brother. You really gave some sauce in this one


So….. to get email addresses, you give away free info on how to get email address?!


“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16


Thanks Chad, really good stuff here. Getting the traffic seems to be the biggest challenge for anyone start new into this. Without making videos, what your biggest suggestion?


I though you were actually going to run it. This was disappointing.


Amazing video! great and practiable insights and just so much value provided. liked and subscribed. really looking forward to get started and impatiently waiting for the second part. thanks a lot!


I've been trying a lot for years to get myself into online platforms like this but I was only scammed again and again. They were not helpful at all and they want money from the info that they give. I guess it's their business but it's sad that many of them are scammers, so people like me stay away from online earning things. I can see that you are a nice guy and you are guiding like a guru. Is there any way that a person like me get knowledge straight from you? I know you've heard a lot of stories that they are blah blah blah and need some help. But I'm truthful in what I'm saying right now. Do you have an online class that maybe we can join? Real time?


well you didin't really show anything its still all talk , hopefully part 2 comes out


Bro, where have you been all my life? Your content is FIRE.🔥🔥


For someone who is a novice and of the older generation, it would have been good to see your step by step of how to do newsletter on Canva


I’m looking into doing affiliate marketing on tiktok please make a video. Thanks


Thanks for the content I’ve been looking at so many affiliate marketing videos and none of them really provided the knowledge you did. Thank so much looking forward to learning more


I'd like to express my gratitude for the video, Chad. I've taken the initiative and started working on the lead magnet (PDF) ebook. However, I was hoping you could assist me further by sharing the pre-built funnels you mentioned in your video. I already have a Builderall Funnel Club account and would be incredibly grateful if you could provide me with access to these resources.


Thank you so much for this video..


Great video! Excited for part 2!


To make the ebook the full version, tell ChatGPT to write each chapter one by one. “Write chapter one” and it will write out the full chapter.


“ As you can see..” X 10. OMG!! Make it STOOPPPPP!! 🙉🙉🙉😬😩😫😖😣


I’m enjoying the video , EXCEPT the constant use/ repetition of “ AS YOU CAN SEE”.. like it’s really making me cringe! 😬😬😩
Canva is where it’s at! 🔥


Amazing Chad, I can’t wait for Part 2💯


Great video, Chad. I'm definitely all in for a 2nd video about the email part of Builderall.
QQ: is a domain name and hosting required for the website built in Builderall? Can that be managed through the same tool too?

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