Comment intégrer ChatGPT dans Excel pour résoudre tous les problèmes rapidement

YouTube video

Dans cette présentation, l’orateur aborde l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle pour accroître l’efficacité dans Excel. Il explique comment il a intégré l’IA dans ses feuilles de calcul Excel afin de poser des questions et d’obtenir des réponses directement dans des cellules spécifiques. Cette approche lui permet d’automatiser certaines tâches et de gagner du temps. Plusieurs exemples concrets sont présentés, tels que la demande de formules, l’analyse de documents financiers et l’obtention de données fictives. L’orateur détaille la mise en place de cette automatisation en utilisant Office Scripts et l’API de GPT d’OpenAI. Il souligne que cette utilisation de l’IA a le potentiel de révolutionner l’utilisation d’Excel et évoque la possibilité de futures applications encore plus avancées.

Source : Leila Gharani | Date : 2023-02-06 17:02:30 | Durée : 00:11:51

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If you get the following error: "Line 46: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’)" – It's probably because the API key was not input in the right place or is incorrect – or you need to update the gpt version used. Please double check on OpenAI or create a new API key.


Hii. Analyze data button is not showing in Excel Microsoft 365 and in file menu get add-ins option is also not showing. Can you please tell me how do I get that ?


Getting error "Line 46 : cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

Please assist


Great work! I dont have the automate tab in my Excel. Which version I should I get to have that Automate Tab. I am Project Manager so I would like to use AI in my excel it will make my life whole lot easier. I appreciate your help.


I am using Excel 2021 but I am unable to find the option of Analyze Data. How can I get that option in my excel. Can you tell me ?


I know I'm late to the game, but not everyone watching this video has the same level of skills/know-how when it comes to Excell. You might want to start by explaining how did you add an ask column in excel?


The script is running,however when you ask a question,there is no answers reflecting by AI


there is an error while we run the office script you have put up in the line
"const text: (string | boolean | number) = json.choices[0].text;" and it says
Line 46: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
Please help leila


Light 💡 bulb has been turned on in me


the downside of this is it frequently makes your MS excel run too slow and lots of lags


I don't have automate tab, can I use a code in vba to have such dialog box of gpt


awesome video. the file used to work, but now i am getting an error when running the script. Line 46: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') . I appreciate any help


Nice..but..real problems come when you're working with big files with 10 or 20 columns, full of formulas. In this case, when you have to deal with complicated issues, there you need an assistant. I don't think you can simply copy and paste the entire file in the box, because in this case i'm not sure if ChatGPT can really understand all the links and formulas behind the file…am i wrong or is there a solution? thanks


You might as well speak Chiense.


Can you please make a video that shows beginners how to write a script step by step? When I added your script, it gave me an error message for line 10 🙁


HI Leila, why can not see the automate tab? I have Microsoft 365.


this seems complicated, Microsoft CO-Pilot will replace everything soon it will revolutionized the way we work, A game changer in many ways.


Answer to "Line 46: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’)" – you will have to pay in order for this script to work, lowest amount to charge your balance is 5$ to. Nothing's free my friends – "When your credit balance reaches $0, your API requests will stop working. Enable automatic recharge to automatically keep your credit balance topped up."
I confirm that paying 5 bucks solves the case and the script works. I'd add this information to pinned info.


Thank you! This error displays: Line 46: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0'). any idea why?


Works great! Thank you for sharing. I had a little trouble initially locating that UNICHAR(96) character. Also, for some reason one line of code was giving me trouble in my version and not in yours (// get generated text part).


Thank you, thank you, thank you! This will save me untold hours of research. You are amazing Leila! You provide quality information that is much appreciated.


You did a greatest showcase about ChatGPT what I'm looking for, thanks a lot!


i dont have automate tab in my excel what can i do?



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