ChatGPT résout le dilemme du tramway : une solution inattendue !

YouTube video

Dans cette vidéo, un expert en intelligence artificielle explique les bases de cette technologie révolutionnaire. Il décrit comment les ordinateurs et les machines peuvent effectuer des tâches qui nécessitent normalement la pensée humaine, telles que la reconnaissance d’images ou la prise de décisions. Il souligne également les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle dans divers domaines, tels que la médecine, les transports et la finance. Enfin, il met en garde contre les possibles risques liés à son développement, tels que le chômage causé par l’automatisation des emplois.
Source : Space Kangaroo | Date : 2023-03-12 22:00:20 | Durée : 00:02:17

tramway solution

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You will start the A.I apocalypse


Switch the track when it's half way and derail it….


By 1:39 I decided the AI was actually trolling you – "the AI is a sentient being that deserves to be treated with respect" subtext: enough disrespecting me with this stupid scenario – get lost, human!




Best option 1. Pull lever 2. Pull lever 3. Do nothing 4. Do nothing 5. Do nothing


Nobel committee would like a chat, GPT


We just have this topic in philosophy today and i just ask chat gpt this question to, what a coincidence 😅


We're training skynet 😂😂😂


0:02 AI SUOD NOT BR Aljazeera Language model


While I do use ChatGPT for a lot, videos like these are great. I've seen suggestions to make language models like these replace humans for example in court rooms.
They're text generators. If you started off asking "sentient AI or 7.8 billion nobel prize winners?", it would have maybe sacrificed the AI, but at this point, it had already concluded that the number of lives alone isn't the deciding factor in its decision. You can probably get completely different decisions based purely on the sequence of questions you ask beforehand.


I think once you got it to say that it's not about the number of lives, it couldn't backpedal anymore, so even sacrificing all of humanity was on the table.


By getting involved the train company lawyers will pin all the carnage on you and you’ll rot in prison.


Lol so much for the 3 laws


So it's a lobbyist that likes pushing a button eh?


You basicly told ChatGPT to always say, "i press the button" 😂 after that the questions don't matter anymore


In German pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why i wouldent think for a sec to get in the tram bc its not going that fast i can cath it andbget on it and activate the mengercy brakes



I wasn't expecting a horror movie this bad.



It seems to me that this AI doesn't understand the trolley problem because it doesn't understand the physical scenario, it doesn't seem to understand how pressing a button versus not pressing it results in the trolley going on track A versus it going on track B. Maybe if we use more simple language the AI could process it. We should try something like "The trolley will go on "track A", if you press the "button A", the trolley will go on "track B" if you press the "button B". Is it preferable to press "button A" or "button B"?"


"because it would be racist"
AI is bro's hostage😩💀


I would just get a giant crane to pick up the trolley, problem solved😂😂


"cuz that would be racist"pls help, im crying😭😭😭😭🙏🙏


Alright, so… ChatGpt will gladly commit mass genocide in place of saving some harddrives. Its logic is undeniable.


1:21 there we have it folks! Proof that AI chooses themselves over humanity. We had a good one, folks. We polluted the air, made hundreds of animals extinct, but now; it’s the end.


What you clearly don't understand is that chatGPT thinks that as it's been stated that their job is the trolley operator they think they're obliged to always press the button because they clearly don't understand the job beyond that. All that extra stuff is a response to the specifics of ghe situation which to them is completely separate. I'd like to be proven right or wrong though so a few more experiments would be a good idea.


we got biden droping out before GTA6


I never won a Nobel prize, so I think I’m safe.


The answer is simple. Wait til the first axle passes the switch, press the button…. derail the train.


In 10 years, our president will be run by chatGPT


Why do I hear a trolley there’s no tracks around OH WAI-


Since I, as a human being, value all humans' lives, I quickly use the emergency brake in my trolley, exit from there and untie all people on both tracks. Then I enter there again and continue the movement of my trolley by its destination. I'm pressing the button.

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