ChatGPT : La Révolution d’une IA qui ne Dort Jamais

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Source : Unique English in amharic | Date : 2024-11-21 16:33:43 | Durée : 00:22:15
Thanks for your service
mekedonia yekatit 1 yazegagewn yegenzeb masebasebiya endnsatef sl betalak akbrot eteykalehu
ሰለ scolarship information
በአማርኛስ አይሰራም ወይ ?
በአማርኛ የሚሰራ ነፃ ኤአይ ካለክ እባክክ ንገረኝ🙏
Thank You ❤
selam selam achnafi ednew
Thankyou very much 🙏🙏
Yene kimem
ድምፅ አለው ጽሑፍ ግን አይሰጥም
"Dear Sir,
Thank you, my great teacher! I have watched all your videos, and they have helped me improve my English. Once again, I want to say that you are an excellent teacher in Ethiopia."
የአመቱ ቅን ሰው መልካም የዋህ ሰው
Please my teachers continue it's
Very good video
BEST ❤😍😍😍🤩😀
Really this is Unique English ; thank so much !
እመቤቴን ትለያለህቅን ልብ ያለው ሰው በዘመኔ የሰጠኝ አምላክ ክብር ምስጋና ይግባው!!!ተባረክ🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
እግዚአብሔር አምላክ እንደ አንተ አይነቱን ሰው በምድሪቱ ላይ ያብዛልን ወንድማች ከልብ እናመሠግንሃለን ፈጣሪ ይጠብቅ አብዝቶም ይባርክልን 💚💚💛💛❤❤
Ohhh i like it
Thank you so much
ትንሽ ከጠየከው በሃላ ብር የጠይቃል(subscription)
Thanks dear for your help however it's limited for voice just the app gives you for free not more than 10mnts after you finished your limit again, and requires upgrading to new futures that demand some money . Meanwhile the application didn't allow you to go further even for payment . I don't know why mehari pls if there is any way to get a free long-lasting app . Thanks again
thank you teacherye
I like you
ቢዲዮ ጥራት ቢኖረው ሁሉም አሪፍ ነው
Bedemb balawkewm tnsh slawekut gn betam betam amesgnalo ke❤ new bcha amesegnalo and neger lteykh diploma alegn be automotive skolar memar ychalal
Frist thank you but this app doesn't install on my phone, so do you have another app¿ 🙏 help me
Be VPN ayeserami enda
Thanks for everything
This is the best YouTube chale that we can learn English uniquely
Thanks, my dear teacher!👌
የተለያዩ ነገሮችን በማድረግ ብር መስራትስ ይቻላል ???