ChatGPT : La Révolution de l’Intelligence Artificielle entre Maths et Séduction

Bien sûr, je peux vous aider à rédiger un résumé journalistique. Cependant, il me faudrait le contenu de la transcription de la vidéo YouTube pour le transformer en résumé. Pourriez-vous le fournir, s’il vous plaît ?
Source : BBC News | Date : 2024-05-14 11:50:34 | Durée : 00:05:15
Jarvis!!! 😂
Actually, I don't like the women's voice. You know somebody if exist man's voice? Why not man?
Her face is more creepy to me than the chat bot 😂
Apart from the cringeworthy voice, Chatgpt 4o is far in advance of any other ai assistant at present.
No wonder Apple is panicking – it has well and truly been left behind in the ai race, that's why they want to buy in Microsofts Copilot gpt capability.
Copilot and Copilot+ built-in system-wide integration, code and text generation and text-to-image capabilities are a game changer for Windows users.
Next news, "Now you can make a baby with Chat GPT 😂😂😂" ….
Oh dear, the bbc spoted a Chinese . I'm surprised this b bc crap didn't start asking him about yighurs genocide……😂 Hope the bbc hate Chinese so they must be so jealous that a. Chinese is in this.
Which is the best AI tool to learn languages?
I have just started to use GPT-4o and I am very impressed and excited. I have a casual interest in electronics but trying to learn this subject by looking at books over the years hasn't really set me alight because books can be pretty boring and you can't ask a book questions about confusing ideas. With this latest release of Chat-GPT you can upload images from the Internet and it will understand what it is looking at and try to explain what the image is representing. For example, if I upload a circuit diagram, Chat GPT-o4 will know what the diagram represents and give you a complete analysis of the circuit in question providing step-by-step analysis in a very clear way. In fact, Chat GPT-o4 gives too much information unless you tell it not to so you can tailor its responses to suit your personal requirements. What is also exciting is that you can discuss the topic under consideration and ask for clarification on points that still cause confusion. It can use analogies to great effect if wanted which it seems to do brilliantly. This is a dream come true for people who want to educate themselves and it is very much like having your own, personal tutor because interacting with Chat GPT-o4 is very much like interacting with a human being. I can only see great benefits coming from this latest AI software and I think it is going to revolutionize education. And of course, there must be many other subjects that can be made more accessible to those who want to learn, which is a very exciting prospect. I am in learner's heaven right now and I never want it to stop! One gets the feeling that we are witnessing a very profound shift in the history of the human race, the consequences of which we can only guess.
Teachers are not necessary anymore
I'm interested in learning math from chat gpt.☺️
I will wait for chatgpt MILF (machine instance learning and flirting)
ik the females jealous
For your information, the world's first image based on the XFutuRestyle algorithm using GPT-4 was created in Ukraine and presented at the international exhibition of digital art in London and Athens
என்ன என்று தெரியாமலேயே பார்பவரகள் சார்பாக வீடியோ வெற்றி பெற வாழ்த்துக்கள்
Sam Altman is the God of AI. 🤖.
Now ◉‿◉
I am using 4o but nothing which was promised. It doesnt have capability of video chat.
Normies are following this quite closely now I see
Of course, this woman would want to disparage alt currencies ;^)
Its teach math not teach maths
This is horrible.
Trying to sell you something that is free?
Go out and enjoy life with real people.
They don't call it a CELL phone for nothing.
A prisoner to your phone.
Worse than drugs.
This is not good for humanity.
Very creepy.
What a creepy headline.
Only fans girls will be ruined due to this. As will every form of remote admin/consultantsy business.
We must prepare for when they go rogue and attack us
as if bbc hasn't ruined education
I can't wait to get my hands on it. Im all for having an AI companion.
Just imagine 1 year down the road AI would be able to hack into any network by its own as it has access to all the knowledge in the world and is super fast. This would put critical assets and information a lot more insecure.
Anyone knows what rule 34 of AI should be?
ChatGPT is making AI taking over the world
Fantastic, now I can have the ideal partner, where I won't feal alone at nights anymore.
Erin Delmore is creepy. She really really needs to stop with the twitchy-flirtatious-awkward body language. It's like her drugs are kicking in and she's sexually compulsive. Why would she speak to an audience as if it's a group of children she's trying to seduce. She is mirroring Katie Britt (a hyper cringe US politician) and that's not a good thing.
The AI has censorship. If I talked dirty to it, it may report me to its owners and the police.
“Her” is here
Remember what "Terminator" said to John Connor.
Step 1. Tutor math
Step 2. Replace teachers
Step 3. Teach disinformation
Step 4. World domination
Why is this the direction they're taking it? So weird. I don't want a computer to take away our creativity and relationships, they should clean the house, the environment, not ruin our lives! What are the makers thinking????
Who cares, pathetic. How does that improve things. No conscious. In my opinion, get rid of it!
I’m the only human everyone else is AI