Cette religion : le clé des prophéties réalisées !

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Source : Han Meditations | Date : 2024-10-09 15:30:06 | Durée : 00:10:43
Islam is truth ❤
Islam ☪️ is the light of the world 🌎
Alquran is last testemen
ChatGP is located in Kabul 🤣
You know ChatGPT expressions are so ridiculous 😂😂😂
The true followers of Jesus according to Bible it clearly mentions Jesus was a prophet as recognised by his followes. Got very strong evidence from the Bible that firstly Jesus was not god or son of god. And when he had come into Jerusalem all the city were moved and said who is this so the multitude said this is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.
Look at this seriously Isaiah 29:12. It will be said to him read and he will say I am not literate.
Same verse in the Greek 1600 years ago there is a word pronounced HIRA.
What else do the Christian people need to prove that this prophet Muhammad sallallahu Salam what's the final Messenger Messiah
Don't delay your sahadah
Yes u heard it Islam is the Only One True Religion😊
Bila kebenaran itu timbul,ia tak mungkin lagi untuk di bendung .Kebenaran pasti menang…❤islam
I ❤ ISLAM…🫶🫶🫶
Christianity is totally wrong path
Please let us know when u guys convert to Islam mr. Han
❤ may Allah give both of u hidayah
Becaused the Islam the Real Religion ❤❤❤
1:45 is not an AI conversation as it appears.
Oh my God, I didn't expect that reaction. It made me laugh and I was shocked, you know, that's so true. Oh, thank you for this moment.😊😊
Well you ask an opinion to it(?)
the amount of fulfilled specific prophecies in Islam is just absurd, it is literally impossible for any human being to come up with so many.
Manusia yang bijaksana dia memilih kehidupan kekal bukan kehidupan sementara sebab kehidupan kekal selepas donia nih musnah. manusia yang hidup mengikut akidah tuhan esa kehidupan kekal nye mungkin kekal dalam syurga dan penuh kegirangan dan keseronokan semata mata manusia tu perlu nak bersolat dan berkerja didalam syurga mereka hanya berseronok dengan bidadari dikeliling mereka lepak bersama sama member syurga dan selama lama nye enjoy berbeza pulak manusia yang dimasuk kan kedalam neraka selama lama nye kerana kebodohan dan ego nye sendiri syirik kepada sang pencipta nye iaitu Allah maka dia sendiri kena btanggungjawap atas apa yang ada dalam hati nye sendiri kerana berperangsaka buruk kepada pencipta nye alangkah bodoh dan Rogi nye jenis manusia beginih. benar Islam tak pernah paksa sesiapa nak jadi pengikut nye tapi manusia tu sendiri lah kena tahu bersedia untuk kehidupan ke 2 nye bila bumi nih musnah agama mana yang bagi guide line yg benar jika mereka tahu guna akal dan ilmu yang tuhan dah beri jika mereka berpaling dari pencipta nye maka neraka lah tempat tinggal mereka selama lama nye dan akan di azab sebab panduan hidup didunia dan di akhirat dalam kitab suci tuhan dah terang kan sebagai manusia yg ber akal kita dah tahu beza kebenaran untuk ke untungan diri sendiri dan keluarga jika mereka salah pilih maka sendiri lah kena tanggung Islam tak kesah dan tak paksa pun 😂😂😂
This Thinking Quran That Make Muslim Not Muslim they Have not Made God Make Quran first Was Somalis People Second Muslim Arabe But just They Believe When Porphet Mohammed Explains ❤and I’m Somali Muslim I Live God And Porphet Mohammed Scw
Lmfao CHATGPT has got covid lol. That was crazy guy ChatGPT had to clear its throat before answering ur question lol. Love your work guy ☝️🇵🇸❤️
i’m not getting the same answers, mine says christianity. can u put the prompts😢
I am a born Muslim and when I hear these answers from ChatGPT, I get goosebumps.
PLEASE Make book and publish.
Masha’Allah ❤
I request you to make surah yashin react video because in this surah Allah has given you some message your sleeping mind can wake up if you understand.☝️
😂😅😅….your expression when you're surprised is so funny,Han….😂
basicly as a human you all can become a human event u all not a muslim by bow… the true is true ya…❤
I would be very happy when you take sahaada inshalla why don't you ask Allah to guide you to truth
😂.. chat gpt is now more natural with the cough
Assalamualaikum masyaallah agama yang hak benar ajarannya jelas dari allah swt itu agama islam selain agama islam jelas batil sesat tuhannya trinitas patung berhala dll alQuran surat assaffat ayat 71 dan sungguh, sebelum mereka suku Quraisy telah sesat sebagian besar dari orang " yang dahulu
Would you please ask which religion is violent??
Who created chat GPT and for what reason . ?
Was it created to do good or to deceive? Do you people trust something that was created by the Jews or the US government or the elites ?
Obviously it’s created to deceive. Chat gpt is part of the Antichrist system to lead people away from the truth .
The bible warns us about false prophets and future technologies that are part of the Antichrist system and many will be deceived.
Couching was very weird
On this day when hazrat easa will come All Cristian accept islam
Inshallah One day easa a.s will come and fight with dajjal the falls massaya of Jews. Hazrat easa a.s will our hero and we will soldier of our leader inshallah
Sometimes i wonder if this AI is the talking beast that was prophesised in Islam. The beast that will speak the truth in endtime. But Allah knows best.
Ask Chatgpt for a judgement day signs prophecy in Islam
They hate something without knowing what they hate… that arrogant definition is.
Chatgpt "islam" mic drop! Alhamdulillah ☝️
Go on Muslim Lantern with your toughest questions.
You’re both are lucky you got the chance to learn about Islam.
Even chatgpt had to laugh before speaking about Christianity lol
Yet u r turning away from his signs…
Even this human created AI can't deny Islam's truth…..
But see urself… u just react on Islamic vedios just to get subscribers and views…
I hope u won't die without accepting the truth….
Even though u won't…but it will not make an impact of an atom to its followers and to its Creator….
Based on our discussion:
Islam: 70-80%
Christianity: 30-40%
1. Prophet Muhammad's prophecies (Hadith) accurately predict modern events, societal shifts, and global trends.
2. Biblical verses (Deuteronomy 18:18, 33:2, Habakkuk 3:3) can be interpreted as referencing Prophet Muhammad, although mainstream scholarship differs.
3. Song of Solomon 5:16's transliteration sparks interesting discussions, but linguistic context favors traditional interpretation.
4. Christianity's fulfilled prophecies (Jesus' life, death, resurrection) remain significant but slightly less numerous and specific compared to Islam's modern event predictions.
Keep in mind:
1. Prophecy interpretation is subjective.
2. Historical context, linguistic nuances, and scholarly perspectives influence understanding.
This assessment aims to provide a neutral, data-driven evaluation.
But Islam does not need any artificial facial clickbaits thumbnails
And Thank you for your efforts trying to reveal the thruth