Boostez vos scripts YouTube avec Chat GPT : 3 nouvelles astuces!

Boostez votre contenu YouTube avec Chat GPT : 3 astuces fraîches!

La vidéo présentée sur YouTube par Gareth de la chaine Channel Profits partage trois nouvelles manières dont il exploite chat GPT pour concevoir des scénarios pour ses vidéos YouTube sans montrer son visage. Il met en avant que malgré le caractère parfois répétitif de l’intelligence artificielle et le besoin constant de vérification des faits, celle-ci peut s’avérer précieuse pour élaborer des scénarios de qualité lorsque les ressources financières sont limitées. Les trois approches qu’il met en pratique sont : le scénario paresseux, le scénario similaire et le scénario guidé, ces derniers permettant d’économiser du temps en post-production et de produire des scénarios haut de gamme. Il démontre comment exploiter chat GPT pour générer des idées de vidéos à partir des contenus populaires de vos concurrents, puis comment les transformer en scénarios complets en appliquant diverses méthodes. Gareth souligne l’importance de contrôler la qualité des scénarios générés et dispense des recommandations pour améliorer la cohérence et la structure du scénario. Il conseille également de faire preuve de vigilance afin d’éviter les redondances dans les scénarios. En conclusion, il encourage les novices en intelligence artificielle à consulter les liens mentionnés dans la description de la vidéo pour accéder à une formation complète sur la création de chaines YouTube rentables.

Source : Channel Profits | Date : 2023-04-07 18:00:45 | Durée : 00:18:53



Got a question? Just ask below. Or discover how I leverage the YouTube algorithm by watching this next


That’s really useful. Thanks for the prompt buddy . ❤


Awesome!! You just solved my issue with my current prompt. Thank you 😊


Why i found this channel so late this video is gold thank you so much 😭


Did youtube do away with showing scripts I clicked a few three dots and don't see anything about a script?


Hey man ive been using you second way but chat gpt is giving me shorter scripts. For example if the competitors script is 12 minutes wrong chat gpt 4 is giving me 4 to 5 minutes max! Any idea how to fix this?


4:06 how do you creat ChatGPT Prompts folder with Lazy, Similar, Guided?


i dont see the script in the description


bro, how do we correct the gpt chat script and make sure it is truly original


If you write a thesis using chatgpt, can it be monetized by YouTube?


The “transcript” button is under the description now. Press more, then scroll to the bottom. Its there.


Can you plz provide the promots in text ???


can I get the course in a form of a loan


This is good. I sure would like to sit beside you when I am creating my videos, you are excellent instructor


Uhhmm, you completely neglected to mention what I now do with the scripts 😐 Even a website starting point would have been handy.


Great video and method. I liked a lot the fact you provided three diferent levels of prompting. For those who want to try the promts, here they are:

Lazy: Write an engaging Youtube vieo script for the following:. Use storytelling to bring it together in an engaging way. Start with a question instead of a standard intro, creating a hook and builing out context before jumping into the main content. End the script sharply using “with that said, thanks for watching and until next time”

Similar: Rewrite this Youtube video script making it original and about 5 minutos long. Use storytelling to bring it together in an engaging way. Start with a question instead of a standard intro, creating a hook and building out context before jumping into the main content. End the script sharply using “with that said, thanks for watching and until next time”. “Paste Sample script here ”

Guided: Gime me an outline for a youtube video script called:”—-” , write me a great hook and introduction for this youtube video script. Make sure to briefly talk about the following. -Continue the script give me a few paragraphs to discuss the following: -Continue the script from the last point, give me a paragraph mentioning the following, -end with “with that said, thanks for watching and until next time”


Will this help with script writing for podcast story


Lazy Method: Write an engaging youtube video script for the following – [XXXX]. Use storytelling to bring it togetther in a engaging way. Start with a question instead of a standard intro, creating a hook and building out context before jumping into the main content. End the script sharply using – "with tha sad, thanks for whatching and until the next time".

Similar Method: Rewrite this youtube video script making it original and about 5 minutes long. Use storytelling to bring it togetther in a engaging way. Start with a question instead of a standard intro, creating a hook and building out context before jumping into the main content. End the script sharply using – "with tha sad, thanks for whatching and until the next time". – Sample script:


Will my YouTube channel get monetized if I use chatgpt to write my YouTube video script


This is really great!! Thanks dude!


My faceless channels are demonetized and ALL AI FACELESS and AI VOICEOVER channels will be demonetized in Future by youtube .The truth and hard reality.


Man you just save my life!

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