Commercialiser votre entreprise avec ChatGPT ! Cours complet pour débutants

Dans cette vidéo YouTube, le narrateur explique comment utiliser l’intelligence artificielle pour améliorer le marketing de votre entreprise. Il présente une approche en trois étapes pour créer un entonnoir de marketing complet à l’aide de Chat GPT.

La première étape consiste à générer des idées de contenu en utilisant Chat GPT. Il explique comment demander à l’IA de proposer 20 titres d’articles captivants liés à un domaine spécifique, comme la garde d’enfants. Ensuite, il sélectionne les titres qui lui plaisent et les transfère dans un tableau. Il souligne également l’importance de donner un point de vue et de définir le public cible lors de la création de l’outline.

La deuxième étape consiste à créer un plan détaillé pour l’un des articles sélectionnés. Il copie le titre choisi dans Chat GPT et lui donne des instructions pour écrire une introduction en tant qu’expert de la garde d’enfants à destination des jeunes mères. Il montre comment ajuster le plan généré par l’IA en fonction de ses besoins spécifiques.

La troisième étape est de demander à Chat GPT d’écrire l’article complet. Le narrateur précise le ton souhaité pour l’article, dans ce cas un ton amical et décontracté. Il souligne l’importance de fournir des instructions claires pour obtenir le résultat souhaité.

Grâce à cette méthode, le narrateur affirme que les entreprises peuvent gagner du temps et obtenir du contenu de haute qualité sans faire appel à des experts externes. Il explique que cette approche, appelée « prompt engineering », permet d’exploiter pleinement les capacités de Chat GPT pour obtenir des résultats efficaces en matière de marketing.

Il encourage les entrepreneurs à utiliser cette technique pour créer du contenu dans différentes catégories de marketing, telles que le marketing de contenu, les vidéos YouTube et les podcasts. Il affirme que les entreprises qui maîtrisent cette approche seront en mesure de se démarquer de leurs concurrents. Finalement, il encourage les spectateurs à télécharger son kit de démarrage gratuit pour suivre facilement les étapes du processus.
Source : Wes McDowell | Date : 2023-05-02 15:30:06 | Durée : 00:22:21



Wes McDowell

Ready to elevate your marketing game even further? Click here to grab the ChatGPT Marketing Prompts Playbook! –

Katarina Kozelj

Thank you for this, my blogging just got soooooo much easier. And like you said – it does exactly what you tell it. I gave an order to ChatGPT and it 'understood' it differently 😀 and it came out muuuch better than planned 😀

Garrett Wilchek

I am trying to do this for health marketing and ChatGPT does not seem to want to give me any Clickbait titles. Any idea work around ana?


I feel like I’m losing my mind. Did you have another video that was all about creating an SEO topical map using ChatGPT? Or is this the main video?

I swear it was your video, but I can’t find it anywhere 😢

Daniel Siebert

Hey Wes, thanks for your great content. I saw video about topical maps and rewriting articles with relevant keywords and stuff days ago. But finding it nowhere again. Can you help finding the link? Thanks a lot, evene for your great work!

Clifton Cain

And can you answer, do you arrange individual classes?

Miranda Nwosu

I love how you make your video how did you do it?

Financial Fever

You’re the best Wes 😊

Zainab Asif

Amazing. Just what I needed …like no need to watch a 100 videos. You have compiled everything into one comprehensive video.


Hi! very informative video and helpful. Thak you for this one! Actually all your videos are full of useful info and very well made. I also noticed that your editing is super neat and on point, may I ask you with editing software do you use?


Wow guy are amzazing😂😂

Shayan Hassan Khansari

this was amazing and very helpful.
thanks for the video

Kent Clark

Super high quality content, thank you!

Justine Baruch

Do you have a video where you recommend your spreadsheet structure for how to organize inspiration and content?

Justine Baruch

This video is excellent. Thank you. Do you have an opinion about getting the paid version of chat gpt or just using the free version?


Some great info here. Keep up the good work 👍

Anthony Blando

Wes. Thank you so much. You are so generous with your content. I feel like I should have paid you for this video.

Prerak Mehta

which background music are you using? it's nice for informational videos

Bart Stobienia

Hey Wes, it appears the download page for prompts is not working, I never got the email with a link to download it.

Henri Cousineau

Hi, I subscribed to get the course (Marketing Your Business with ChatGPT! FULL Masterclass for Beginners) 3 times but I never got the link. I never got any confirmation email either. I checked my promotions and spam folders and nothing. Are you still offering that course?

Alana Alsop

Loving this info. I use these tips to run my content writing business ContentHouz. It's amazing.

Abdallah Emad

Hi there, you can use these prompts:


1. write me unique 20 article titles related to " "

2. Now creat an outline for an article "title" write it as a professional "field expert" and write it for "audience"

3. Now write the article in a helpful, casual, friendly tone, and insert personal stories if they help to illustrate a point. strrt with the introduction.

Now you can edit or go ahead for the next section

Reels/tweets, etc.

1. Help me brainstorm 10 topics for Instagram reels I can make for " ". They need to speak to " " for their " "
2. write a 15 – 30 second script for "topic" witn no intro or outro, just get right into it, and prioritize unique actionable tips. write it in a high-energy, fun, casual tone.


pretend you're an expert marketing copywriter specializing in writing persuasive emails. Using the PAS copywriting framework, write a sales email to families who are about to move, and considering which moving company they want to choose. We can't wait to speak to them and help them decide if we're the best fit for their move, and we offer competitive pricing, whiteglove packing service, and we have the best non-breakage guarantee in the business. Make it friendly, and helpful in tone, not too sales. Use powerful words, and avoid overused cliches. The call to action is to schedule a free consult and get them a quote.

Wes McDowell

Check out the ChatGPT Marketing Prompts Playbook

Jenny W

Awesome content. Game-changer for me and my outreach strategy.

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