Maximisez votre temps en qualité d’enseignant : 50 conseils pour exploiter Chat GPT

Au cours de cette vidéo, nous avons exploré les moyens par lesquels les professeurs peuvent utiliser Chat GPT afin d’optimiser le temps qu’ils consacrent à leurs tâches éducatives. Que ce soit pour concevoir des cursus, établir des programmes de leçons, créer des devoirs, préparer des questions d’évaluation ou même échanger avec les parents, Chat GTP peut se révéler être un précieux allié pour les enseignants. Grâce à l’utilisation de cet outil, ils peuvent produire du contenu, stimuler leur créativité, élaborer des ressources didactiques et évaluer les travaux des élèves de manière plus efficiente. En résumé, Chat GPT peut permettre aux enseignants de rentabiliser leur temps et d’améliorer l’expérience d’apprentissage de leurs apprenants.
Source : Etacude English Teachers | Date : 2023-04-11 13:07:10 | Durée : 00:21:18

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It's a real game changer but I can't stress how important it is to check if all the exercises are formulated well and they the information is correct.


If I use ChatGPT created notes for online teaching and youtube. Can it be copyright issues?


I don't know if this would workout well, but what if you can use chat as a lesson journal during the school year. Since chat saves the conversation, the students can practice with chat at anytime over the exact content gone over in class. The teacher can have template journal prompts the students copy that tells chat what they learned for that day and ask it to remember the content for later individual studying.


You do good job young brother. Salam and best wishes from Turkey. Nurullah.


How do I get tips for teaching English on line


I was here to find ways to save time, but now I'm here to know your skin care routine.


I tried but all information is biased, inaccurate and lack of depth.


The first time someone explains how to use Chat Gpt for ESL teachers. Thank you!


You kept calling it chat GTP from time to time.
Good advice regardless though


10:30 chatgtp 😂😂😂😂😂😅😅


Thank you so much for all your work.


Extremely useful, eye and mind opening. Thank you for this!


wow nice information thank you so much.


No….all tech shall now be thrown away. We do not serve corporations and your dystopian-technocratic society.


Brilliant video. Your videos are so useful, keep up the good work! 🙂


Can the please develop AI that can mark papers and exams.


This guy is absolutely South African!


Thank you for sharing this! Could you also please share the ChatGPT answers-links?


I know who are you referring to. Luke, usually use polite words to command chargpt. Hahaha


I'm intentionally very polite to AI. Must ensure good relationship with AI and keep my habit of being polite to humans as well🤷‍♀️


Brilliant, my computer skills were very poor. This video is exactly what i was looking for. Great job


Just warning, it makes word problems really well, the answers and steps however are not good unless you have GPT 4 with Wolfram plugin


I use chatgpt to use your video in my class and make some quiz based on your video transcript. Thanks


Many Thanks, your way to explain it, is very helpful


Hello Teacher! Could you teach me how to create Chart GPT in my Computer, I would like to tell you that I' m a Cambodian living in Cambodia. Thank in advanced.


I don't want to take anything away from the author but it emerges, from this that, at least in these cases, the software is acting as a super web search. Do you need a to be given a lesson plan to teach the Past Continuous? You are not familiar with PPP? This might help very weak teachers or people who are standing in for teachers but it won't produce better lesson plans than a good teacher or a reliable text book. Overall this has the potential to unleash a sea of mediocrity on education, though I don't think that will happen.


tip 51: generate prompt for Midjourney to generate puzzle images, so students can't use GPT for answering


I can't use The Chat Gpt😢 it is not available in my country,


WOW 😂I wish I had had this when I was a teacher.


I love how ChatGPT can assist teachers in various aspects of their work, from constructing lesson sequences to providing feedback.


01:12 Sorry, friend. You have just shown that ChatGPT can replace you.


Awesome ideas. 👌 Muchas Gracias


i would like to add on top of this.
using certain prompts and keywords while giving instructions to chatgpt makes it even more accurate.
i always use it to generate reading comprehension passage and questions.

Just as an example:

start by thinking a general prompt: create an english reading comprehension passage for Grade 5 students.
then start building upon it.

give chatgpt a role, a guideline, what are the topics, what are the audiences, what type of questions do you need etc.

You are an English teacher that is responsible for a class of Grade 5 students, aged 10-12. Create a reading comprehension passage. Please follow the guidelines below.
Title: [you can leave this out or just ask chatgpt to generate one]
Target Audience: Grade 5 (10-12 years old)
Word count: MUST BE in between 300-500 words
Objective: [insert any lesson topic that is related to what you're currently teaching]
Additional Information (tweak any info as you see fit)
– the story is told in the third person view.
– the story should be descriptive.

– dialogues can be applied if necessary.
– the protagonists are all animals.

the more information you feed, the better the result would be. it works wonders, trust me. I stopped paying for online resources to download materials now haha

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