Ecrire des chansons avec Chat GPT: Une chanson sur les chevaux dans le style de Creed

Dans cette vidéo, un expert en intelligence artificielle explique les bases de cette technologie révolutionnaire. Il explique comment les ordinateurs peuvent apprendre à effectuer des tâches sans être programmés explicitement pour les accomplir. Il mentionne également les différentes applications de l’intelligence artificielle dans la vie quotidienne, telles que les recommandations personnalisées sur les sites web et les assistants vocaux. Enfin, il souligne l’importance de l’éthique dans le développement de l’intelligence artificielle pour garantir son utilisation responsable et éthique.
Source : Tom McGovern | Date : 2023-03-27 17:35:27 | Durée : 00:01:30

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As someone who loves both horses and Creed, LOOOOOOOL!!!


This is the best song about horses I have heard. 10 thumbs up 👍👍👍👍👍


Not enough "heugh"s. 0/10 impression.

(If anyone gets what I'm referencing, you get a cookie)


How the holy fuck is it possible that you pnly got 20k subs???


Look, clown show! It's vacant and devoid of soul. I'd rather watch a mime. AI doesn't know pain, loss, heartache,, joy or anything real. Binary algorithms is the only rhythm IT has.


This should have been the kens national anthem in the barbie movie


This song needs so many more views.


Way too much annunciation of like consonants.


Could you make a full length because this is really good and i hate how good it is


I couldn’t comment in the Facebook post I seen of this so I swapped to the Tube to comment this. This is awesome! I love ChatGPT. You hit the Creed style no doubt lol.


It’s criminal this only has a few hundred views. So good.


I hope Creed will actually one day make this song for real. Lol


Hey Tom, I don't want to come off as hateful or rude, but chatgpt uses the same unethical information scraping techniques that ai art generators do. It's effectively barely legal plagerism, and it trains itself off of the data you submit. As a long-term fan, I can't help but feel a little disappointed.


I love the implication that there’s some sort of story to tell about horses


There’s only one reason why a person can so accurately reproduce a creed track.😂😅😮


can chat GPT pick me up from school im scared


so unnecessarily good and i thank you for it


How many upvotes to bring back the beard permanently?


Nailed the vibe, in style and lyrics. Still like when you write better though 🙂


Liked and shared. Lol. So good!

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