Dominer Chat GPT : Astuces Incontournables pour Personnaliser Vos GPTs

Bien sûr, je serais ravi de vous aider à créer un résumé journalistique. Cependant, je n’ai pas accès à la transcription de la vidéo YouTube que vous mentionnez. Si vous pouvez me fournir le contenu ou les points clés de la transcription, je pourrai rédiger un résumé adapté pour des débutants en intelligence artificielle.
Source : Paul O’Malley | Date : 2024-07-21 16:00:00 | Durée : 00:24:16
Very good tutorial. Thanks.
hello could I create a small database with Youtube URLs to get much better tutorials
Can I use this inside Claude Projects? Or is there too much difference between CustomGPTs and Claude Projects?
Creating custom GPTs is key to getting the most out of AI! Consider also experimenting with SmythOS and OpenAI to expand your capabilities even further. #AI #SmythOS
Hi Paul In the video, you mentioned that the GPTs can be trained with feedback. However, there's something I'm not clear about.
Every time a new user uses it, will it remember all the feedback given by users who have used it publicly, or is the training vertical within the single chat, like in a classic conversation with GPT?
hello I had some ideas about building custom aggpt but I don't know if these ideas are good and feasible, can you tell me what you think about it
Hi Paul, thansk for this video. Is there a feature in the knowledge section that will allow it to only answer questions based on the dataset I upload and not answer questions outside of that?
Fantastic content. A small contribution for the hours of tedious work to be saved thanks to this tutorial.