Dévoilez le Secret pour Dominer avec un Prompt Canva ChatGPT !

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Source : Julian Goldie SEO | Date : 2024-10-11 08:54:44 | Durée : 00:11:26

Canva ChatGPT

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Do you need perplexity Pro to do this?


I use this Sitemap tactic for internal links on guestposts. Some publishers require internal links. It also worked before Canvas


More great stuff, as always. You don't need to go to SEO school (it would be two years behind anyway). Nope, you just need @JulianGoldieSEO!


Great tips for SEO & improve your possibility of top-search rank. Got to say, GPT canvas is very un user friendly. You could do all this (and beyond) in a more organized & advanced platform, CharmIQ. CharmIQ allows you to upload your own reference document (in this case all your collection of internal links); as well as all your previous articles, and description about your website/product, who's your target audience; so when you run AI (oh, you can also create any AI partners with any skills that you want), your article would be of the better or best quality. I don't understand why people just simply say: write me an article about xyz? Who is it for? what's your goal of the article? Are you trying to convey a meaningful message? Try CharmIQ and see a more meaningful & right approach to working. CharmIQ developed their canvas 2 years ago!!!


When I enter the prompt in perplexity it tells me it cannot access the internet and is unable to provide me with the links? How can it generate them for you?


Im a NOOB so forgive the question if it's not relevant. Is there a way to utilize this strategy to get backlinks?


Great video! ChatGPT Canvas looks promising, but CharmIQ has spoiled me. I've been using it for nearly two years, and the level of customization and control is unmatched. Plus, the ability to use different LLMs is a lifesaver when ChatGPT is down

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