ChatGPT : Un Frisson Derrière l’Écran ! 😱

Bien sûr, je peux vous aider à rédiger un résumé journalistique. Cependant, vous n’avez pas fourni la transcription de la vidéo YouTube. Pourriez-vous la partager afin que je puisse créer le résumé souhaité ? Merci !
Source : Greenskull AI | Date : 2024-12-15 01:12:11 | Durée : 00:00:59
ChatGPT ain’t no snitch
ChatGPT helper 😂
Bro thinks he dr seus or sm
"take a moment to collect your thoughts" 😂😂
Well Ai not Aiing 😂
He is so humble😂😂
ChatGPT s shit
Uno Reverse ◀️
Imagine all our data is being collected by TikTok and other companies thru the camera at all times
chatgpt is really chill
Thanks girl that helped a lot ☺️
I love you at the end. ChatGPT says that sounds intense. Take a moment to take your thoughts and then imagine after he just like says the app just crashes and then the video ends.
Blud is being Dora on chatgbt, poor her
Take a momment to collect your thoughts got me 💀💀💀
The last laugh 😂
That LoOkS veRRy InTenSe TakE a mOmEnt to cOlleCt YoUR ThoUghts got me laughing
Chatgpt don't recognised the thieves. HEHEHE
Why don't i have this features?
ChatGPT is too woke for this
I think it is intense tho
"take a moment to collect your thoughts"
Yo u got robbed? Did it get returned or what did they post it
Chatgpt ❌ Buri Buri Simone ✅
"I always help the powerful"
— Chatgpt, most probably
Please take a moment to collect your taught 😂😂
2012: "Our AI video Prototype is gonna change 2024!"
People dont realize the complexity of AI MODELs
True AGI
Please, wake up.
ChatGPT: if you cant defeat them then join them
Bro is blind
Why. Why did they make it YAP
i hope that guy without the mask got fair sentence😤
GPT was NOT trained for this
Take a time to collect your thoughts made the robers😅😅😅😅
At first, I thought that it was a normal tech short, with a guy js testing tech
حياتي عبارة عن ايه…..😂
If you can't fight em, JOIN THEM!!!
Why are the robbers black
Well that's a good suggestion for the thieves LOL