Boostez votre présence en ligne : 200 publications sur les réseaux sociaux en 10 minutes avec ChatGPT & Canva

YouTube video

Dans cette vidéo, un expert en intelligence artificielle explique les bases de cette technologie captivante. Il commence par définir l’intelligence artificielle comme la capacité des machines à imiter le processus de réflexion humain. Il présente ensuite quatre principaux types d’intelligence artificielle : l’intelligence artificielle faible, l’intelligence artificielle forte, l’intelligence artificielle générale et l’intelligence artificielle super intelligente. Il souligne que l’intelligence artificielle est déjà présente dans notre quotidien à travers les assistants virtuels et les recommandations personnalisées sur les réseaux sociaux. Enfin, il invite les débutants à découvrir davantage cette technologie en s’intéressant à des concepts tels que l’apprentissage automatique, les réseaux neuronaux et le deep learning.
Source : Modern Millie | Date : 2023-09-27 16:00:44 | Durée : 00:10:18

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the proliferation of homogenous, low quality content across the internet

how inspirational


this sounds good but too fast to follow


Brilliant video. I can use this both as an educator and a writer. Thanks for helping me save time!


Canva says Bulk Create feature isn't available for this document type (video). You can use Bulk Create with Whiteboard, Presentation, Social media, Website, or Print documents instead. any idea how to solve this problem?


this move is a game-changer!!


How did you add your own video in bulk creat reels????


Doesn't work for me. It pops up in a purple box and looks awful. What am I doing wrong?


This video is amazing! The way it combines ChatGPT and Canva to create 200 posts in just 10 minutes is truly smart and efficient. I really like the idea of repurposing content across different platforms. Thank you for sharing these useful tips!


Thanks Millie, very helpful!


Hi Millie! Thanks for your awesome tips! 🔥 My question is, how can this method of bulk creating content be applied to creating content that's not as generic as quote posts? I'm a dancer trying to figure out how to batch create content and it's difficult. Plus I'm a bit introverted. Thank you.


Thank you for these tips. Does it work for FB posts as well?


Very nice video. This actually works. Saves me a LOT of time!


This really helped me. thanks so much. God Bless you


Very helpful. Just what I was looking for, thanks a bunch.


Really nice! BTW, what software did you use to create this video?

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