L’inventeur de ChatGPT exprime maintenant des inquiétudes concernant l’intelligence artificielle

À travers cette vidéo, l’intelligence artificielle est décrite comme une innovation radicale qui autorise les ordinateurs à assimiler et à réfléchir à l’instar des êtres humains. Les novices en intelligence artificielle sont encouragés à explorer les principes fondamentaux de ce domaine, comme l’apprentissage automatisé et le deep learning. Grâce à l’intelligence artificielle, les ordinateurs sont en mesure d’accomplir des missions complexes et de prendre des choix de manière autonome. Il est mis en avant que cette technologie est en perpétuelle progression et promet un éventail considérable d’emplois dans divers secteurs tels que la santé, les déplacements ou les finances.
Source : CNN | Date : 2023-05-17 03:30:14 | Durée : 00:00:57

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if u want have protection and safety and secure and if u want much higher level AI and accurate and complex and u will never disappointing guys I'll introducing DEEPAI the DEEPAI is so powerful and much better than OPENAI since start 1990 and u can show ur picture and video and anything u want


Man, looking back on this, the guy was really clever. He knew ChatGPT was just an LLM and could NEVER be a real danger to anyone. Knowing that, he went to congress and scared everyone about a Terminator AI type future, China AI supremacy, etc, knowing people would relate that to ChatGpt. Even though LLMs are just overgrown calculators, by loosely fear-mongering about the future of ‘AI’, he was able to secure billions from investors (for something that isn’t even AI).


What you talking about you’ve already destroyed white collar job market. Put the brake on this


"we wanna work with the govt" and that's how it all goes wrong


He’s basically saying, put massive restrictions on other AI companies but not on us because we are good


Chat GPT has saved me hours of document editing and formatting for my business. It has it "intended" use as a tool.


You know it’s getting bad when the guy that made ChatGPT has become worried.


BS you know exactly what your doing Satan's Soldier. Nevertheless the Almighty will sort it. You best worry about the lake of fire rather than AI…


Nah. He’s just trying to grab monopoly of market by creating bs fear mongering.


The government is not the solution


There is no positive to AI


Fake fears. AI won’t become sentient (at least for a LOOOONG time) and he only wants regulation so he can have a monopoly on LLMs and GenAI. Your fear shouldn’t be skynet, fear capitalism


Let it go wrong please! Im excited for the robo apocalypse!


Lol bro tryna pull the Oppenheimer


"It's too late; they just didn't listen to me," Said Elon long ago.


The driving force behind AI is the defense department. Israel has used it in the bombing of Gaza.
Where it will lead, shouldn't be too hard to see, provided the politicians are willing to see it.


Why do they look all similar? Elon Musk, this guy, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos they kinda have the same faces inside of them. Is that the face of rich and genius?

Bill Gates, Tim Cook doesn't have this kind of faces tho


Tech bro money move. Create larger than life fear and try to fix it.


You don’t want things to go wrong so you’re asking for the government to get involved…. Okay.


Government support means government owning a % of liability and blame. Doesn’t fall solely on OpenAI so an alliance makes all the sense. Smart way to mitigate the sole responsibility into the responsibilities of many. Both parties equally gain from involvement so the risk is taken.


Wow now they realize danger? Wtf?


Has anyone else noticed that Sam Altman always looks frightened in Interviews?


Hahahaha he just want to sale our freedom to the government


Why did Musk have to pick this goofball. He only exists because Musk tapped him


China doesn't care. A singularity is going to occur, it just depends on who created it first.


Oh computer youve always gavecus the correct answer to the math problem 😂😂😂


Yea man ai is gonns be so cool that we wont even buy magic tge gathering cards because ai would make all the sets for the next 500 million years and


🤣Nope no megaman wilm save us 😂


Why aren’t common people doing anything about this? We need to hold the government responsible for allowing companies to replace us without a financial plan that would substitute income.

The education system is also broken. Teachers and professors are educating students on antiquated subjects that will have no value once they enter the workforce.

This should be a top 5 priority for the next president and needs to be publicly discussed between both parties before the election.


This AI is an ancient, ancient entity WAKE UP PEOPLE PLEASE!!


Let the govt REGULATE IT???? WE are closer to George Orwell's "1984" than the average person REALIZES!! THE GOV'T ALREADY HAS PATENTS FOR weapons AGAINST ITS OWN PEOPLE & ARE USING IT ON MILLIONS. Research patents on mind control, biowarfare. It is 5th Generation Warfare. Ask anyone who is actually a directed energy weapon victim, Havana Syndrome.


You'll ALWAYS regret calling the cops on yourself.


Why his eyebrows look like a AI designer that codes websites designed his eyebrows


Big business calling on governments to interfere? That's not unprecedented, that's as common as rain.

Think about it; you're king of the heap and then you create some moral panic to make governments lose their sh!t.

Politicians like a bit of moral panic coz it means the voters will willingly hand over yet more power. So those petitioned politicians then enact laws and regulations that solidify the politicuans' power and solidify the current kings of the heap tech companies' lead over any nascent competitors.

The new laws freeze out the johnny-come-latelys, and the petitioning tech companies get to be top dog, ie. politicians' bi!tches.

Hello Fascism.


The steroid community is offended


…or does he just want stock prices to go up before the bubble bursts and people realise it is all just smoke and mirrors. Not actual reasoning intelligence?


This is the right way to go. There are plenty of bad apples out there and regulations are a must to make sure no one is using AI for wrongdoings.


Oh so now he’s worried. Who knew the dinosaur could escape Jurassic Park. Shame on him.


Altman… Crying in pain while he (the J) strikes you. This Polish proverb is true. He just wants to get rid of the competition.


Is_ael start using it against humanity


No, low IQ liberal CNN anchor. He's going to the gov to lobby and set regulatory standards after seeing growing calls for regulation.

It's a smart move and one all companies make, like Facebook also did, all the time. Regulations destroy these markets, destroy innovation, and kill competition while comparatively helping whichever companies help the government lead setting up favorable regulations for their own company.

If you study economics, you learn this is inevitable and that no regulations is preferable.


Ironic that they fired their superalignment team while being worried about AI threats.


He just wants to close the door behind him


Altman has been very dishonest about so many things since he’s come into the public eye. I don’t feel like what he’s saying here is genuine… just trying to make himself look less culpable for if something goes wrong

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